The harsh conditions found in the Ultradeepwater reservoirs have created technical challenges to oil exploration. Manage the combination of high temperature, pressure, salinity and presence of H2S in the reservoir is one of the challenges found in this scenario that increases the operational complexity. To attend this scenario the use of chemical compounds, called as H2S scavengers, rises as an option to decrease the sour gas effects. This product could be injected into the wells via umbilical or gas lift. Both applications need specific compatibility tests. Once, the H2S scavenger efficiency test is not an exclusive pass criterion for the product approval. It must attend to some requirement to ensure that the product will not perform in a negative way in the structural integrity and in the process.
In this present work, it was tested two types of chemicals as H2S scavenger, their performance and specific compatibility tests were evaluated.
Tests showed that glycol soluble scavenger presented better performance than the water soluble scavenger. Moreover, due to the high salinity environment the water soluble scavenger has scale issues. It intensifies the inorganic scale because of its alkaline character. This behavior was found in the produced water and completion fluid compatibility tests.