
Since high strength UNS N07022 alloy was introduced in 2006, it has seen use as bar for both drilling and completions and as Oil Country Tubular Goods for oil patch applications. This paper summarizes the uses and applications for sour service oil patch and refinery applications. The alloy has been incorporated into the MR0175/ ISO 15156 document for Materials for Use in H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production. The UNS N07022 alloy has been tested at MR0175 Level VII Environment with 5 g/L elemental sulfur and to Modified NACE(2) Level VII, 25% NaCl + 1,000 psi (7000 kPa) CO2 + 1,000 psi (7000 kPa) H2S at 550°F (2880C). The UNS N07022 alloy maintains mechanical properties over the -3000F to 5000F (1500C to 2600C ) temperature range with stability to 7000F (3700C) for >100,000 hours for refinery applications. Also, the UNS N07022 alloy is now included in the MR0103/ ISO 17945 Corrosion Prevention and Control for Oil and Gas Production, Petroleum Refining, and Gas Processing Industries. The UNS N07022 alloy has been qualified for subsea and marine fastener applications where no other alloy has the strength and corrosion resistance required. This paper reviews new metallurgy, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, along with areas of application of the alloy.

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