Several corrosion monitoring techniques are used in the oil and gas industry as a part of corrosion management programs. Some of these techniques include weight loss coupons, linear polarization resistance (LPR) probes, electrical resistance (ER) probes, electrochemical noise (ECN) probes, etc. One of the limitations of conventional corrosion monitoring technique is that they only report general corrosion, not pitting. However, pitting is the form of corrosion which commonly leads to failure in oil and gas systems. Thus finding and evaluating better monitoring technology for pitting corrosion is one of the important aspects for better corrosion management programs. One such possible method is by using coupled multielectrode array sensors (CMAS) probes. This paper presents extensive laboratory evaluation of this technology. The testing was carried out in field simulated sulfate reducing bacterial (SRB) media, ferric chloride and standard synthetic brine. The probes and coupons tested were also evaluated for pitting corrosion using profilometry technique.

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