Corrosion monitoring is one of the most important elements of an effective corrosion management plan. It provides the basis for an effective corrosion mitigation program and assessing whether corrosion damage is occurring within the monitored circuit. The corrosion monitoring strategy adopted at the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is to utilize corrosion coupons as the primary technique for long-term corrosion trends and using Electrical Resistance (ER) probes to monitor the process fluids and provide short term corrosion indication. Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) probes are used in water systems and oil systems with high and continuous water cuts.

In many cases, erratic readings from ER and LPR probes are experienced. This paper will focus on the effectiveness of ER and LPR techniques in representative streams in order to draw conclusion on the most effective use for such techniques. This study was conducted in order to check the veracity of the usage of ER and LPR probes in in different fluid streams since erratic probe readings were obtained during regular servicing.

During this study LPR probes, ER probes and coupons were installed in 3 process streams which included wet crude oil, effluent water, and brackish water. Comparative corrosion rate data were obtained using all three techniques over a 75-day period. The validity of the ER and LPR results are discussed with reference to the coupon data and exposure conditions.

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