Alumina-forming austenitic (AFA) stainless steels exhibit a unique combination of high temperature creep strength and corrosion resistance. By forming a protective alumina scale, AFA steels exhibit significantly better corrosion resistance than conventional, chromia-forming stainless steels and even Ni-base alloys. To illustrate the oxidation resistance of AFA steel, laboratory exposures are presented in several environments at 550°-900°C including (1) wet air to simulate exhaust gas for thin-walled heat exchangers, (2) steam for power generation applications and (3) high C activities with and without water vapor at 1-16 bar (100-1600 kPa)for the chemical process industry. Oxidation rates for AFA were compared to conventional candidate alloys as well as other Fe- and Ni-base alumina-forming alloys. The reaction products on AFA steel have been characterized using a range of low- to high-resolution analytical techniques.
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Oxidation Behavior of Alumina-Forming Austenitic Steel
Kinga A. Unocic;
Kinga A. Unocic
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Michael P. Brady;
Michael P. Brady
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Bruce A. Pint;
Bruce A. Pint
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Aurélie Rouaix-Vande Put
Aurélie Rouaix-Vande Put
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Paper presented at the CORROSION 2013, Orlando, Florida, March 2013.
Paper Number:
March 17 2013
Unocic, Kinga A., Brady, Michael P., Pint, Bruce A., and Aurélie Rouaix-Vande Put. "Oxidation Behavior of Alumina-Forming Austenitic Steel." Paper presented at the CORROSION 2013, Orlando, Florida, March 2013.
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