Corrosion experiments were conducted on API 5L X65 mild steel specimens covered by a silica deposit in inhibited 1 wt% NaCl aqueous solutions saturated by CO2 at pH 5.0 and 25 °C. It was observed that a generic imidazoline based inhibitor was not able to reduce the general corrosion rate of the steel underneath the silica sand particles and local acceleration of corrosion (pitting) was found in those areas. A pitting penetration rate was calculated using Infinite Focus Microscopy (IFM) measurements. After examining many possible mechanisms, it was concluded that the imidazoline inhibitor was not depleted globally by adsorption on the sand surface and that it did diffuse through the sand deposit to reach the steel surface. However, locally - immediately underneath each sand grain, the inhibitor preferentially adsorbed on the silica surface, leaving the steel beneath it unprotected. This led to formation of galvanic cells and to accelerated localized corrosion at those locations.
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Localized Corrosion of Mild Steel under Silica Deposits in Inhibited Aqueous CO2 solutions
Jin Huang;
Jin Huang
Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology
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Bruce Brown;
Bruce Brown
Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology
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Srdjan Nesic;
Srdjan Nesic
Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology
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Sankara Papavinasam;
Sankara Papavinasam
Natural Resources Canada
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Doug Gould
Doug Gould
CANMET Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories
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Paper presented at the CORROSION 2013, Orlando, Florida, March 2013.
Paper Number:
March 17 2013
Huang, Jin, Brown, Bruce, Nesic, Srdjan, Papavinasam, Sankara, and Doug Gould. "Localized Corrosion of Mild Steel under Silica Deposits in Inhibited Aqueous CO2 solutions." Paper presented at the CORROSION 2013, Orlando, Florida, March 2013.
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