ABSTRACT The presence of elemental sulfur and polysulfide severely aggravates the corrosion in sour gas systems. Application of sulfur solvent and corrosion inhibitor aims to mitigate corrosion. However, in some cases, very sticky solid deposits in pipeline are found, which is believed to be the mixture of elemental sulfur and extracted corrosion inhibitor bases. How to keep the high efficiency of chemicals in field condition and avoid the sludge formation is quite challenging. Combined products of sulfur solvent and corrosion inhibitor are developed in this work, which can be mainly used in pipeline batch program or applied by continuous injection in some situations (dry gas with turbulent flow). The evaluation of products shows that the products are tolerant to hydrocarbon dilution and has a good sulfur uptake even at low temperatures. The stability of the product upon the hydrocarbon dilution reduces the chances of active ingredient drop-out and helps the elimination of sludge formation. Autoclave tests has been conducted done for batch application using brine and the polysulfide solution under sour conditions, showing that the products provide more than 90% corrosion protection in polysulfide solution. After dissolving elemental sulfur, the products also give excellent corrosion mitigation. INTRODUCTION In sour gas systems, elemental sulfur can be formed, causing severe corrosion. Various mechanisms1 of sulfur formation include condensation of H2S at high pressure and temperature, thermochemical reduction of sulphate, and air oxidation of H2S, etc. As a strong oxidizing agent, elemental sulfur can directly react with metal at a high rate and form iron sulphide.2 The corrosion rate could be up to 30 mm/y (1,200 mpy) on mild carbon steel.3 The corrosion of the mild steel in contact with wet elemental sulfur results in mackinawite as a primary corrosion product.4
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Elemental Sulfur Uptake And Corrosion Protection In Sour Gas Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2012.
Paper Number:
March 11 2012
Liu, Qiang, Diaconu, Anca, and Dale Grey. "Elemental Sulfur Uptake And Corrosion Protection In Sour Gas Systems." Paper presented at the CORROSION 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2012.
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