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Proceedings Papers
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The Effect of Microstructure and Chromium Alloying Content to the Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steel Well Tubing in Seawater Injection Service
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Blueprint for Water Quality in South Louisiana; Two South Louisiana Field Case Histories
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Review and Update of the Role of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA's) in Seawater Injection Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Behavior of Titanium in Saline Environments: The Effects of Temperature, pH, and Microstructure
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Use of the FSM Technique in the Laboratory to Measure Corrosion Inhibitor Performance in Multiphase Flow
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Inhibitor Development for Subsea Wells
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
CO2/H2S Corrosion Under Wet Gas Pipeline Conditions in the Presence if Bicarbonate, Chloride, and Oxygen
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Precorrosion on the Performance of Inhibitors for CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Egil Gulbrandsen; Aage Stangeland; T. Burchardt; Srdjan Nesic; Sven Morten Hesjevik; Sofie Skjfrve; Bjorn Sundfer
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Controlling CO2 Corrosion with Inhibitors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Novel Approach to Inhibitor Fall Rate Studies for Batch Application
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Molecular Modeling of the Inhibition of Mild Steel CO2 Corrosion by Imidazolines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Inhibition of CO2 Corrosion of Mild Steel by Imidazolines and Their Precursors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Factors Affecting Iron Carbonate Scale in Gas Condensate Wells Containing CO2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
SweetCor: An Information System for the Analysis of Corrosion of Steels by Water and Carbon Dioxide
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Small Amounts of H2S on CO2 Corrosion of a Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Statistical Approach for Studying CO2 Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel, Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Prediction of CO2 Corrosion in Oil and Gas Wells: Analysis of Some Case Histories
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Modeling the Diffusion Effects Through the Iron Carbonate Layer in the Carbon Dioxide Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Wettability of Steel Surfaces at CO2 Corrosion Conditions. I. Effect of Surface Active Compounds in Aqueous and Hydrocarbon Media
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Mesa Corrosion Attack in Carbon Steel and 0.5% Chromium Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Influence of Composition of Carbon Steel on the Anodic and Cathodic Reaction Rate in CO2 Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Mechanism of Protective Film Formation During CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Molecular Monitoring of Residual Corrosion Inhibitor Actives in Oilfield Fluids: Implications for Inhibitor Performance
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Organic Acid on CO2 Corrosion of Carbon and CR Bearing Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Qualifying ERW Tubular Products for Sweet Petroleum Production Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Aspects of Corrosion Inhibitor Selection at Elevated Temperatures
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Critical Factors in Predicting CO2/H2S Corrosion in Multiphase Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Controversy of CO2 Solubility in Water
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Recording of Local Flow Disturbances Behind Obstacles Where Mesa Attack Have Occurred
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Correlation for Mass Transfer Coefficients in Elbows
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Flow Loop Studies of the Relationship Between Limiting Currents and CO2/H2S Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of Critical Flow Intensities for FILC in Sour Gas Production
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Initiation and Growth of Mesa Corrosion Attack During CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Calculation of Mass Transfer in Multiphase Flows
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
CO2 Corrosion Prediction in Pipe Flow Under FeCO3 Scale-Forming Conditions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Hydrodynamics of Off-Vertical Flow for Corrosion Modeling
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Modeling Corrosion Rates in Non-Annular Gas Condensate Wells Containing CO2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Drag Reducing Agents on Corrosion in Multiphase Flow
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Inhibition of Slug Front Corrosion in Multiphase Flow Conditions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Field Experience With a New High Resolution Programmable Downhole Corrosion Monitoring Tool
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Inhibition of Sweet Corrosion of Subsea Flowlines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Erosion in Multiphase Production of Oil & Gas
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Prediction of Erosion-Corrosion Penetration Rate in a CO2 Environment With Sand
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Preventing Scale Deposition in Oil Production Facilities: An Industry Review
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Prediction of pH and Mineral Scaling in Waters With Varying Ionic Strength Containing CO2 and H2S for 0<T(C)<300 and 1<P(Bar)<500
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Modeling the Formation of Iron Sulfide Scales Using Thermodynamic Simulation Software
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Aspects of Surface/Solution Interactions in Scale Initiation and Growth
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Investigation of Scaling and Inhibition Mechanisms and the Influencing Factors in Static and Dynamic Inhibition Tests
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Acrolein Based Polymers as Scale Inhibitors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Developing a Fieldwide Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Program: Simulation and Optimization
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Novel Chemical Dispersant for Removal of Organic/Inorganic "Schmoo" Scale in Produced Water Injection Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of Scale Inhibitors for Seawater Injection System in North Kuwait
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Quality Management Process for the Design of Monitoring and Inspection Strategies
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Internal Corrosion Monitoring of a Subsea Production Flowlines - Probe Design and Testing
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A New, High Sensitivity Electrical Resistance Probe for the Testing and Optimization of Corrosion Inhibitors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Economic Justification for Cathodic Protection Based on Pig Data
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Reliability of Internally Corroding Pipelines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Monitoring of Concrete-Lined Brine Service Pipelines Using AC and DC Electrochemical Methods
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Choosing the Right Positions for FSM Corrosion Monitoring on Oil and Gas Pipelines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
In-Line Inspection Tools for Crack Detection in Gas and Liquid Pipelines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
In-Line Inspection - The Changes Continue
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Ultrasonic Inspection of Risers a New and Simple Approach
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Application Limits of Alloyed 13%Cr Tubular Steels for Downhole Duties
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistance of SuperDuplex Stainless Steels in Oil and Gas Field Simulated Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Application of Martenistic, Modified Martenistic and Duplex Stainless Steel Bar Stock for Completion Equipment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Software Program for Corrosion Related Material Selection for Downhole Tubing
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Understanding the High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Modified 13%Cr Martenistic OCTG
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Experiences in Production and Corrosion Monitoring for a Gas Condensate Field Containing CO2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
How to Pressurize Autoclaves for Corrosion Testing Under CO2 and H2S Pressure
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An Inhibition Policy Based on Laboratory and Field Experience
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance of Drilling Materials in a Simulated Underbalanced Drilling Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Alloy Nickel Content vs. PREN on the Selection of Austenitic Oil Country Tubular Goods for Sour Gas Service
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Grain Size on Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Alloy G-3 (UNS N06985) OCTG in Sour Gas Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
NACE Task Force T-1F-24 Report on SSC Resistance of Weldments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Selection of a Completion Material for a Sour Oil Field Using Fracture Mechanics Concepts and Stress Corrosion Cracking Testing
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Serviceability of 13Cr Tubulars in Oil and Gas Production Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Chromium and Molybedenum on Corrosion Resistance of Super 13Cr Martenistic Stainless Steel in CO2 Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Test Method on SSC Performance of Modified 13Cr Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effects of C and N on Corrosion Resistance of High Cr alloy in CO2 and H2S Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Heavy Wall Casing in C-110 Grade for Sour Service
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Flow Velocity on CO2 Corrosion and Galvanic Corrosion Behavior in Oil and Gas Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Microstructure on the Kissc* Low Alloy Carbon Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Ca/S Ratio on HIC Resistance of Seamless Line Pipes
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation Of High Steel Grade Linepipes For Sour Service With Special Corrosion Testing
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Noble Metal Addition on Electrochemical Polarization Behavior of H2 Oxidation and O2 Reduction on 304 SS in High Temperature Water
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise Characteristics of IGSCC in Stainless Steels in Pressurized High-Temperature Water
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Identification of Corrosion Modes in Steam Pipes From the Secondary System at Indian Point 2
Marta U. Gmurczyk; Aaron Barkatt; Galina Cherepakhov; Reynolds Burns; William Kessler; David Ballard
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Systematical Investigation of Irridation Corrosion of Nuclear Materials
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Post-Irradiation Annealing Effect of Austenitic Stainless Steels on IASCC
Ryoei Katsura; Yoshihide Ishiyama; Norikatu Yokota; Takahiko Kato; Kiyotomo Nakata; Kouji Fukuya; Hiroshi Sakamoto; Kyoichi Asano
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Deformation Response of L-Grade Stainless Steels Relative To IGSCC in 288C Water
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effects of Testing Characteristics on Observed SCC Behavior in BWRs
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Grain Boundary Segregation in Austenitic Stainless Steels and Effects on Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in Light-Water Reactor Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Kinetic Analysis of Grain Boundary Cr Concentration During Thermal or Irradiation Exposure
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
SCC Maps for Low Alloy Steels by SSRT Method
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Zinc Addition to Simulated PWR Primary Water on the PWSCC Resistance, Crack Growth Rate and Surface Oxide Films Characteristics of Prefilmed Alloy 600
H. Kawamura; H. Hirano; Shunsuke Shirai; Hiroshi Takamatsu; Tomoya Matsunaga; Katsuaki Yamakota; Hideki Takiguchi
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Application of Noble Metal Chemical Addition Technology to an Operating BWR to Mitigate IGSCC of Reactor Internals
Samson Hettiarachchi; R.J. Law; T.P. Diaz; W.D. Miller; Robert Lee Cowan; R. Patania; W. Keith; L. Kriege
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Flow Velocity on Crack Initiation
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Factors Influencing the Performance of Carbon Steel Overpacks in the Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Galvanic Coupling Between Overpack Materials of High-Level Nuclear Waste Containers
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Repassivation Potential for Localized Corrosion of Alloys 625 and C22 in Simulated Repository Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Humid Air Corrosion of YMP Waste Package Candidate Material
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
MIC Evaluation and Testing for the Yucca Mountain Repository
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Localized Corrosion Resistance of High Nickel Alloys as Candidate Materials for Nuclear Waste Repository. Effect of Alloy and Weldment Aging at 427C for Up to 40,000H
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Galvanic Corrosion Study of Container Materials Using Zero Resistance Ammeter
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo, Ni-Cr-Mo, and Ti Alloys in **90C Acidic Brine
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Initiation Criteria for Crevice Corrosion of Titanium Alloys Used for HLW Disposal Overpack
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Waste Package Design and Container Materials Evaluation for the Yucca Mountain Repository
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Crevice Corrosion & Pitting of High-Level Waste Containers: Integration of Deterministic & Probabilistic Models
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Long Term Corrosion Study of Waste Package Candidate Material for the YMP; Initial Results
Kenneth King; Daniel McCright; Gregory E. Gdowski; Francis Wang; John C. Estil; Steve Gordon; Scott Doughty
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Microbial Sampling of Aluminum-Clad Spent Nuclear Fuel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Low Carbon Steel in Simulated Yucca Mountain Vadose Waters
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Resistance of Various High Chromium Alloys in Simulated Chemical Processing Nuclear Plant Waste Solutions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Designing Components for Water Treatment Units for Radioactive Waste Liquids in a Modern NiCrMo-Alloy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion of High Purity Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in 13N Boiling Nitric Acid
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
SCC of Austenitic Stainless Steel, Ni-21Cr-13.5Mo Alloy, and 0.3Mo-0.8Ni-Ti in 350C Synthetic, NO2-NO3-OH Tank Waste
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Performance of Evaporators in High Level Radioactive Chemical Waste Service
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Nitrite Concentration pm Pit Depth in Carbon Steel Exposed to Simulated Radioactive Waste
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Design of an Electrochemical Noise Based Corrosion Monitoring Probe for High Level Nuclear Waste Storage Tanks
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Use of Skewness, Kurtosis and Neural Networks for Determining Corrosion Mechanism From Electrochemical Noise Data
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Chlorine-Induced Corrosion of Steels in Fossil Fuel Power Plants
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effects of Sulfur and Chlorine on Furnace Wall Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion of Iron Aluminides in HCl-Containing Coal Gasification Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion of Heat Exchanger Alloys in Equilibrated and Non-Equilibrated Sulfidizing Gas Mixtures at 600C
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effects of Rapid Thermal Cycling on the Corrosion of Some High-Temperature Alloys in a Simulated Coal-Gasification Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Protective Coatings for High Temperatures and High Sulphur-Low Oxygen Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
High Temperature Corrosion of Silicon-Based Ceramics in a Simulated Coal Gasification Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Laboratory Studies of the Corrosion of Nickel-Based Alloys by Pure Calcium Sulfate û Influence of Environmental Factors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Composite Coatings for Elevated Temperature Erosion-Corrosion Protection in Fossil-Fueled Boilers
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Erosion-Oxidation of Mild Steel in a Temperature Gradient
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Control of Erosive Wear in Corrosive Environments Using Erosion-Corrosion Maps: Potential Applications to Fossil Fuel Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Behavior of Various Commercial Alloys in a Simulated Combustion Environment Containing ZnCl2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Aspects in the Design and Operation of ODS Indirect Fired Heat Exchangers
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Oxidation and Alkali-Metal Sulphate Corrosion Processes in Silicon Nitride-Based Materials
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
High Temperature Performance of Continuous Fiber Composites in Oxygen Containing Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Behavior of Some Land Based Gas Turbine Superalloys in Steam Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Hot Corrosion and High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of the New Gas Turbine Material - Alloy 603GT
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Hot Corrosion Failure of a 25 MW Land-Based Gas Turbine in a Marine Environment
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Methodologies for Cyclic Oxidation Testing and Implications for Predictive Lifetime Modeling
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
What is Green?
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Green Chemistry Applied to Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Designing Green Corrosion Inhibitors Using Chemical Computational Methods
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Temporary Protection of Metals Against Atmospheric Corrosion by Saturated Straight Chain Aliphatic Monocarboxylates. Mechanisms of Inhibition
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Inorganic Cr-Free Conversion Coatings for High Corrosion Resistance and Low Electrical Contact Resistance
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Environmental Compatible Scale Inhibitor for the Mining Industry
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Strategies for Formulating Low Hazard Corrosion Inhibitors for Use in Chemical Cleaning Solvents
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Non-Electrolytic Formation of Al-Oxide Surface Layers by Reversion of Hydrotalcite
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
In Pursuit of Non-Phosphorus Corrosion Inhibitors for Cold Water Cooling Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An All Organic Treatment Approach to Closed Loop Cooling Water Applications
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Controlling Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Cooling Applications - A Novel Environmentally Acceptable Approach
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Inhibition of Heavy Metal Ion Corrosion on Aluminum in Fresh Water Cooling Systems Using Propylene Glycol Anti-Freeze
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Why Does Glycol Inhibit CO2 Corrosion?
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Investigation of the Inhibitive Effect of N-Phosphono-Methyl-Glycine on the Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Neutral Solutions by Electrochemical Techniques
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An Investigation of Sulphonated Polymers for Deposit and Corrosion Control
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Silica Scale Control
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An Advanced, Field-Friendly Traceable Polymer System
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Novel Exothermic Process for the Removal of Paraffin Deposits in Hydrocarbon Production
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An Investigation Into the Inhibition of Different VCI's for the Protection of Aluminum 2024 in the Presence of H2S and SO2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Incorporating Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIS) in Oil and Gas Pipeline Additive Formulations
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Comparison of Several Corrosion Inhibiting Papers in Various Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Quartz Crystal Microbalance for In-Situ Outdoor Corrosivity Studies
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
An Investigation Into the Protective Properties of a VCI Modified Acrylic Film for Protective Steel Applications
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Volatile Inhibitors for CO2 Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Role of Irreversible Adsorption in the Protective Action of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Combined Use of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) and Dehumidification (DH) for Plant and Equipment Mothballing or Lay-Up
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
BTA Inhibition Mechanism on Clean Cu(110) Surface by Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy (UPS) and Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of 3.5NiCrMoV Steel in Carbonated Pure Water
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effects of Hydrogen on Film Structure and Pitting Susceptibility of Nickel and 310 Stainless Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
SCC Resistance of High Under Evaporative Conditions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Microstructural Characterization of the Development of Stress Corrosion Cracks in an Al 7010
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature on the Susceptibility of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel to Hydrogen Embrittlement
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
In-Situ Observation of Corrosion-Enhanced Dislocation Emission and Motion Resulting in Initiation of Stress Corrosion Cracking
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Mechanism of Liquid Metal Embrittlement for Aluminum in Hg+3at%Ga
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Near-Neutral pH SCC of Pipelines: Effects of Pressure Fluctuations on Crack Propagation
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Influence of Material Properties and Laboratory Test Conditions on SOHIC of Line Pipe Carbon Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Stress Corrosion Behavior of Ru-Enhanced Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys in Methanol Solutions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Applying Slip-Oxidation to the SCC of Austenitic Materials in BWR/PWR Environments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Occurrence of Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in Industrial Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Comparison of Interphase Removal and Oxidation Embrittlement Mechanisms of Subcritical Crack Growth in SIC/SIC Composites
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Environment-Induced Cracking in Structural Titanium Alloys
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Crack Growth in High Temperature Materials
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Grade 2 and Grade 3 Titanium in 6% NaCl Solution
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of Hydrogen Pressure Vessels Using Slow Strain Rate Testing and Fracture Mechanics Analysis
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Valence of Sulfur on the Passivation of Alloys 600 and 690 At 25 and 95C
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Roles of H2S in the Behavior of Engineering Alloys: A Review of Literature and Experience
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Ennoblement of Stainless Steel Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Selection of Corrosion Inhibitors to Control MIC
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
MIC Myths - Does Pitting Cause MIC
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Mature Oil Fields - A Case Study of El- Morgan Field in the Gulf of Suez
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Role of Microbial Induced Corrosion in Subsea Water Pipeline Failure
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
MIC in a Pipeline Used for Disposal of Produced Water From a Coal Seam Gas Field
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Rock Microcosms Containing Native Yucca Mountain Microorganisms
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Engineering Aspects Regarding MIC Related Failures on Stainless Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Prevention of Microbiological Influenced Corrosion in Fire Protection Systems at a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Desulphuated Seawater Injection on Microbiological Hydrogen Sulphide Generation and Implication for Corrosion Control
Tony Rizk; James F. Stott; Robert Eden; John E. McElhiney; John A. Hardy; Roy A. Davis; Clara Di Iorio
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Natural Marine Biofilms on Galvanic Corrosion Predicted Using Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Role of Iron in SRB Influenced Corrosion of Mild Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Preventing MIC through Microbial Adhesion Inhibition
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Contribution of the CYTED Network XVc. to the Development of Biocorrosion Knowledge in Ibero America
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Control of Microbially Influenced Corrosion in an Effluent Water Injection System in West Kuwait
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Role of Biomineralization in Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Effect of Inorganic Sulfide and Bacterial Microfouling on Corrosion of 70/30 Copper/Nickel Alloy in Seawater
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Structure and Function of Bacterial Biofilms
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Biofouling Studies With Methylchloro/Methylisothiazolone in Model Cooling Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Tutorial on Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Unique Interpretations of Potentiodynamic Polarization Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Applications and Problem Solving Using the Polarization Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Tutorial on Impedance Spectroscopy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of Non-Toxic Alkyd Primers by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Polarization Resistance Method for Determination of Instantaneous Corrosion Rates: A Review
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Applications of LPR to Thin Film Liquid Phases
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Frequency Domain Transform and the Coulostatic Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Conditions of Growth of Open Corrosion Pits in Stainless Steels û Electrochemical Experiments on Model Pits
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Thermal Stability and Microstructural Changes of Some Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys as Detected by Corrosion Testing
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of Pitting Corrosion With Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for Alumina/Aluminum Alloy Composites
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Hazardous Material Decontamination With Potassium Permanganate for Refinery Turnarounds
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Characterization and Dissolution Studies of Bruce Unit 3 Steam Generator Secondary Side Deposits
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Effect of Chemical Cleaning on the Surface Roughness of Steam Generator Tubes
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Product Characterization by Fibre Optic Raman Spectroscopy
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Degradable Chelating Agents for Decontamination and Chemical Cleaning
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Role of Visual Inspection in Planning for Chemical and Mechanical Cleaning
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Full Bundle Mechanical Cleaning of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generators
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Nuclear Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning Experience
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Characterization of Oxides on Bruce "A" NGS Liner Tubes and Steam Generator Tubes
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry in Industrial Chemical Cleaning
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
20 Years of Advances in Technology for Chemically Cleaning Industrial Equipment: A Critical Review
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Examination of Corrosion Specimens from the Full Reactor Coolant System Decontamination at Indian Point Unit 2
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Analysis of Data From ISO CORRAG Program
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion of Aluminum and Copper Thin Films Under Simulated and Real Atmospheric Conditions in Laboratory Tests
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Testing of Sensors for Atmospheric Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Protective Layer Formed on Steels After Long-Term Atmospheric Exposure
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Atmospheric Corrosion Performance of Hot-Dip Galvanized Bolts for Fastening Weathering Steel Guiderail
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Mapping Corrosivity in Venezuela
Oladis Troconis de Rincon; Matilde de Romero; Miguel A. Sanchez; Ana Ismenia de Rincon; Maria Prato; Mariela Fernandez; Alvaro Alfredi Rincon
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Characterization of Corrosion Products From Atmospheric Exposures of Up to 5 Years
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Natural and Accelerated Dissolution of Limestones Used in Monuments Under Tropical Atmospheres
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A Fifteen Year Exposure Study of a Weathering Steel Bridge
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Atmospheric Corrosion and Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Accelerated Corrosion Test Development for Coil-Coated Steel Building Panels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Recent Progress in the Study of Protective Rust-Layer Formation on Weathering Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Field Exposure in Indoor Environments as a Basis for the Development of a Classification System for Atmospheric Corrosivity
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
The Design of Steel for High Strength Line Pipe Requiring Excellent Notch Toughness and Corrosion Properties for Arctic Applications
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Cathodic Protection of Ice Shields on the Confederation Bridge Northumberland Strait Crossing Project
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Telluric Current Effects on Long and Short Pipelines
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Factors to Consider When Freeze Proofing a Biocide
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Premature Failure of External Painting on Fuel Storage Facilities on the Canadian Arctic Coast
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Designing Real-Time Radiographic Inspection Systems to Access Piping Integrity
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Field Experiences Using FLIR Technology for Inspection of Pipelines in an Artic Oilfield
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Confined Space Hazards Facing the Corrosion Engineer in Alaska
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
A New Electrochemical Noise Technique for Monitoring the Localized Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel in Chloride - Containing Solutions
Melissa Benish; J. Sikora; Elzbieta Sikora; Barbara A. Shaw; Max R. Yaffe; Abram Krebs; Gregory A. Martinchek
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise Measurements on Carbon and Stainless Steel Reinforcing Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise Analysis of Galvanized Steel Immersed in Saturated Ca(OH)2 Solutions
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise and SQUID Magnetometers: A Comparison of Different Methods for Corrosion Monitoring
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Current and Potential Fluctuation Characteristics in IGSCC Processes of Stainless Steels
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise as a Tool to Diagnose the Formation of Pb-Acid Battery Porous Electrodes
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Measurement of Electrolyte Resistance Fluctuations in Corrosion Applications
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Assessing of Three Industrial Paint Coatings by Electrochemical Noise
Francisco J. Rodriguez; Jose Mojica Gomez; Esteban M. Garcia, II; Juan Genesca Llongueras; J.J. Carpio
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise Methods Applied to the Study of Organic Coatings and Pretreatments
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Corrosion Detection of Mild Steel in a Two-Phase Hydrocarbon-Electrolyte System Under Flow Conditions Using Electrochemical Noise
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Problems, Pitfalls and Probes: Welcome to the Jungle of Electrochemical Noise Technology
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of a Round Robin Experiment on Electrochemical Noise
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise - The First Two Octaves
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Electrochemical Noise - A Potent Weapon in the Battle Against Sour Gas Plant Corrosion
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Some Fundamental Aspects of the Electrochemical Noise Generated during Pitting of A516-70 Carbon Steel
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Evaluation of a Polymeric Concrete by Electrochemical Noise
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Correlations Between Corrosion, Electrochemical Hydrogen Flux and a Vacuum Foil Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Parameters Affecting Electrochemical Hydrogen Permeation Measurements
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Methodology for the Application of Hydrogen Flux Monitoring Devices to Assess Equipment Operating in Wet H2S Service
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Integrity Management of a HIC Damaged Pipeline and Refinery Pressure Vessel through Hydrogen Permeation Measurements
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Overview of Hydrogen Permeation Measurement and Monitoring Techniques
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Interpretation of Hydrogen Permeation Transients Obtained by the Vacuum Loss Technique
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.
Using Hypermedia to Modernize Legacy Expert Systems
Paper presented at the CORROSION 98, San Diego, California, March 1998.