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Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 73 (08): 65–66.
Paper Number: SPE-0821-0065-JPT
Published: 01 August 2021
... 30 leases by six operators (266 wells). An extensive EOR evaluation was initiated to analyze the results recorded in these leases. The authors write that CGEOR in Eagle Ford volatile oil can yield substantial increases in estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) with robust economics, depending...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 72 (09): 58–59.
Paper Number: SPE-0920-0058-JPT
Published: 01 September 2020
.... Introduction DCA is used commonly to estimate reservoir and well productivity and ultimate recovery and evaluate reserves. Such analyses are usually performed manually through a curve-fitting process by reservoir and production engineers using their best judgement and experience. Subjectivity is often a large...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 72 (06): 62.
Paper Number: SPE-0620-0062-JPT
Published: 01 June 2020
... effects on production, ultimate recovery, and the overall field-development plan. A new real-time-visualization (RTV) technology combined with high-resolution pressure reading and acoustic sensors is being used to overcome operational difficulties and to optimize stimulation efforts by reducing...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 71 (05): 68–70.
Paper Number: SPE-0519-0068-JPT
Published: 01 May 2019
... data analytic heavy-oil reservoir complex reservoir field data STB ultimate recovery well location Artificial Intelligence Upstream Oil & Gas oil production complete paper diagnostic process complexity bitumen injector completion sweep efficiency heavy-oil field water production...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 68 (09): 69–70.
Paper Number: SPE-0916-0069-JPT
Published: 01 September 2016
... ultimate recovery for each well. A minimal model is used that captures the basic physics and geometry of the extraction process. A key discovery is that wells can have their estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) predicted early in life with surprising accuracy. Introduction There are many challenges...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 67 (02): 20–22.
Paper Number: SPE-0215-0020-JPT
Published: 01 February 2015
... are we discussing efficient well delivery, improving completion effectiveness and fracturing designs, and increasing estimated ultimate recovery as changes we should make. These are changes we now must make to boost production, ensure sustainable cash flow, and increase booked reserves during the “next...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 65 (09): 108.
Paper Number: SPE-0913-0108-JPT
Published: 01 September 2013
... management addresses the almost impossible task of maximizing short-term production while optimizing ultimate recovery. However, to evaluate the different reservoir-drainage mechanisms, one needs good models, and the more advanced the drainage mechanism is, the more crucial the model is. As an illustration...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 64 (09): 74.
Paper Number: SPE-0912-0074-JPT
Published: 01 September 2012
... high focus in many organizations. The “maximum efficient rate” often is the compromise—a higher short-term, or plateau, rate than this would damage the reservoir irreversibly and a lower ultimate recovery would be the result. The industry has largely succeeded in maximizing short-term production...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 64 (03): 20–21.
Paper Number: SPE-0312-0020-JPT
Published: 01 March 2012
... on improving ultimate recoveries in a number of plays. The interesting thing, however, is that these innovations are not being used in the so-called “legacy shale plays” (e.g., Barnett, Fayetteville) despite the fact that they are producing only break-even economics at today’s gas prices. You would expect...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 62 (11): 88–90.
Paper Number: SPE-1110-0088-JPT
Published: 01 November 2010
... 11 2010 1 11 2010 2010. Society of Petroleum Engineers complex reservoir shale gas Thickness fracture design recovery hydraulic fracturing natural fracture shale ultimate recovery stress change in-situ stress information porosity shale-ga production fracture Upstream...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 62 (08): 46–48.
Paper Number: SPE-0810-0046-JPT
Published: 01 August 2010
... usefully. Thus, net pay is central to the static-volumetric method of estimating ultimate recovery. Moreover, it facilitates reservoir simulation, because nonreservoir rock does not need to be characterized for inclusion. The full-length paper details methods of quantifying net pay by use of formation...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 62 (05): 26–29.
Paper Number: SPE-0510-0026-JPT
Published: 01 May 2010
... multistage fracturing completion hydraulic fracturing drainage application new technology Barnett shale good frac-treatment practice breakdown pressure load recovery depletion recovery ultimate recovery petro management group Exhibition tortuosity fracture treatment New developments...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 60 (09): 36–38.
Paper Number: SPE-0908-0036-JPT
Published: 01 September 2008
... that typically contain several pay zones. Without cost-effective zonal isolation, however, the full potential of advanced drilling and completion technology to increase production, ultimate recovery, and profitability cannot be realized. Efficient, practical zonal isolation is also important in solving fluid...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 60 (04): 40.
Paper Number: SPE-0408-0040-JPT
Published: 01 April 2008
..., however, the challenge is even more daunting: to produce more complex hydrocarbon resources economically while continuing to increase ultimate recovery. In the past, a well's longevity could be prolonged by plugging it back and recompleting it in a shallower pay zone, continuing until all zones had...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (08): 14–16.
Paper Number: SPE-0807-0014-JPT
Published: 01 August 2007
.... Contact the author for permission to use material from this document. Completion Monitoring Systems/Intelligent Wells subsea system Hurdle executive officer ultimate recovery Directional Drilling linear growth subsea well production optimization Upstream Oil & Gas President Guest...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (05): 58.
Paper Number: SPE-0507-0058-JPT
Published: 01 May 2007
...Stuart L. Scott Boosting ultimate recovery requires us to get more from each well and each reservoir. Clearly, while improving recovery is one of the best places to look for additional reserves, often the relationship between artificial lift and ultimate recovery has been forgotten. However, when...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (04): 36–38.
Paper Number: SPE-0407-0036-JPT
Published: 01 April 2007
... effort that will include the following elements. Increasing Ultimate Recoveries. In his April 2006 "Technology Tomorrow" article in JPT , Nansen Saleri of Saudi Aramco estimated that a modest increase in ultimate recoveries would provide 1 trillion bbl of hydrocarbons. He also suggested that the road...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 58 (10): 10–12.
Paper Number: SPE-1006-0010-JPT
Published: 01 October 2006
... recovery from existing fields. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. This tip is underlain by the unseen parts—technology in the middle and people as the foundation. People strive hard to fire innovation and develop new technologies, which in turn help to discover new reserves and improve ultimate...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 58 (10): 59–60.
Paper Number: SPE-1006-0059-JPT
Published: 01 October 2006
... Reservoir Geometry tight gas well gas well porosity ultimate recovery wattenbarger method equation permeability 1 10 2006 1 10 2006 1 10 2006 1 10 2006 2006. Society of Petroleum Engineers The effective drainage area of a tight gas well is controlled primarily by rock...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 58 (08): 61–62.
Paper Number: SPE-0806-0061-JPT
Published: 01 August 2006
.... Subsea gas dewpointing and dehydration. Flow assurance. Sales-quality processing. Oil Systems Subsea oil-pressure boosting can enable ultradeepwater light-oil production, can enable deepwater heavy-oil production, can increase ultimate recovery for deepwater light oil, and may be used to reduce flow...

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