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Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 76 (10): 4–13.
Paper Number: SPE-1024-0004-JPT
Published: 01 October 2024
... sustainable development source evolution iea world energy outlook engineer social responsibility spe coal stakeholder history hubbert step scenario king hubbert graph breakthrough SPE@Energy Transition Last month, I presented a to-do list with five main topics: energy transition, finances...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 61 (10): 16–17.
Paper Number: SPE-1009-0016-JPT
Published: 01 October 2009
.... The inevitable result, perhaps amplified by speculation and market nervousness, was a sharp rise in the oil price. Energy Economics investment US government Upstream Oil & Gas climate change Hubbert recent discovery cheap oil oil price carbon dioxide extraction OIL crisis hydrocarbon...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (10): 70–76.
Paper Number: SPE-1007-0070-JPT
Published: 01 October 2007
... geology governor President contribution october 2007 Oklahoma SPE mechanics Hubbert Drilling Technology Halbouty Chairman 70 JPT OCTOBER 2007 Through its history, SPE has counted among its members many oil and gas pioneers, high-profile executives, noted educators, some politicians...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (06): 86–89.
Paper Number: SPE-0607-0086-JPT
Published: 01 June 2007
... that are related to the general subject of peak oil. In Jackson's article, he points out, as has been long known, that King Hubbert's curves for discovery and production of petroleum were based on inadequate data. It was apparent, with the discovery of the Prudhoe Bay resources plus research on methods...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 59 (02): 24–28.
Paper Number: SPE-0207-0024-JPT
Published: 01 February 2007
.... Global resources, including both conventional and unconventional oil, are adequate to support strong production growth and a period on an undulating plateau. Despite his valuable contribution, M. King Hubbert's methodology falls down because it does not consider likely resource growth, application of new...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 58 (05): 28–30.
Paper Number: SPE-0506-0028-JPT
Published: 01 May 2006
...Peter Tertzakian Was M. King Hubbert, the famous American Earth scientist, really the first visionary to talk about peak oil? Indeed, many regard Hubbert as the Nostradamus of the oil industry, with his 1950s analytic work on peaking oil production part of any discussion about world oil supply...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 52 (05): 28–72.
Paper Number: SPE-0500-0028-JPT
Published: 01 May 2000
.... 1 5 2000 1 5 2000 1 5 2000 1 5 2000 2000. Society of Petroleum Engineers operator energy statistics sourcebook artificial lift system publishing co controller upstream oil & gas hubbert plunger lift afterflow productive stringer startzman annulus pressure...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 50 (11): 82–83.
Paper Number: SPE-1198-0082-JPT
Published: 01 November 1998
... for permission to use material from this document. Reservoir Surveillance cumulative production Mamora recovery production monitoring investment Hubbert model independent variable production forecasting Hubbert variance fraction production control exponential decline rate oil industry...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 49 (05): 502–507.
Paper Number: SPE-37311-JPT
Published: 01 May 1997
... these issues and develops a model that is much less pessimistic and broader in range. Introduction Hubbert, 1 who first began publishing his ideas in the 1950's, probably initiated the trend of claiming that supplies are rapidly depleting with the notion that U.S. crude-oil production would behave like a bell...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 48 (02): 169–170.
Paper Number: SPE-35755-JPT
Published: 01 February 1996
... higher petroleum price consensus forecast europe government supply and demand pricing shortage downstream oil & gas supply and demand forecasting utilization mirage evolution producer hypothesis hubbert opec lynch The Mirage of Higher Petroleum Prices Michael C. Lynch, Massachusetts...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 22 (12): 1492–1498.
Paper Number: SPE-2772-PA
Published: 01 December 1970
... if water is flowing along the path. path. Introduction M.K. Hubbert's classical papers on groundwater flow were published in 1940 and 1953. Since then many people have applied his concepts to a variety of people have applied his concepts to a variety of problems including entrapment of oil, underground gas...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 18 (03): 281–287.
Paper Number: SPE-1256-PA
Published: 01 March 1966
...J.M. Ryan In recent years M. King Hubbert, C. L. Moore and the Energy Policy Staff (EPS) of the United States Department of the Interior have published estimates of the nation's resources or ultimate recoveries. The Hubbert and Moore methods, are similar in that they involve fitting analytic...
Journal Articles
J Pet Technol 18 (02): 165–171.
Paper Number: SPE-1200-PA
Published: 01 February 1966
... of a column of water with 80,000 ppm salt. JPT P. 165ˆ 1 2 1966 1 2 1966 1 2 1966 1 2 1966 1966. Society of Petroleum Engineers Hubbert overburden pressure log analysis RSH compaction Upstream Oil & Gas mud weight formation pressure resistivity abnormal pressure...

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