Editor's Note: JPT received several letters regarding Joseph Stanislaw's Guest Editorial in the June issue on "Climate Changes Everything: The Coming Revolution in the Energy Industry." Excerpts of some appear below.
To the Editor:
I found the June 2008 Guest Editorial authored by Joseph Stanislaw interesting, but not necessarily believable. Like so many climate change articles, the author combines the issue of climate change with energy independence. I am neither an atmospheric physicist nor a meteorologist, but I have read extensively on climate change. Stanislaw concludes that anthropogenic greenhouse gasses, e.g., CO2, cause increased global temperature. He supports that position by referring to an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. My reading convinces me that the IPCC conclusion is based on computer simulation using wholly inadequate programs. The research conducted by Dr. Willie Soon (Horner 2007, Fig. 3, 146), demonstrates no correlation between CO2 and temperature change. Dr. S. Fred Singer, in personal communication (2008), states that CO2 is a lagging indicator of climate change and this lag is on the order of 600 years.
Interestingly, on 23 March 2008, the Hadley Climate Research Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the Christy Group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc. in California reported that global temperatures decreased 0.7°C during 2007. These measurements could be interpreted as a sign of global cooling rather than global warming.
Stanislaw's discussion regarding the need for energy research is on target. We need energy to sustain our standard of living and help emerging countries with their energy needs. But, justifying this research on the basis of questionable climate prediction is wrong. G.H. Holliday
Horner, C.C., 2007. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, 146. Regnery Publishing Inc.