Three dimensional geological modeling is one of the new branch on geoscience based on common earth model. It can be defined as series of computerized representation on the construction of D/B, visualization and interpretation of various geoscience information such as borehole, geochemical, geophysical data and so on. Nevertheless of its importance and availability, 3D geological modeling is not widely used yet and currently introductory stage in Korea because economy of mining forms small fraction compared to entire economy. In this paper, we introduced new 3D geological modeling software, named KModStudio and showed its useful functions through several case histories. From this, some outstanding features of KModStudio such as graphic interface user friendly designed, easy handling and construction of D/B tools and, as a new technique, anisotropy analysis on grade estimation based on 3D variogram modeling were shortly addressed.
Three dimensional modeling is used worldwide recently. It is very important in 3D geological modeling to build reliable model from various attributes data such as borehole, geochemical, geophysical and so on(Mallet, 2002).
In Korea, nevertheless of its importance and availability, 3D geological modeling is not widely used yet. The reasons are as follows. First, commercial 3D modeling software is rather difficult to use for mine field users, especially for beginners. Second, modeling software is very expensive for small mining company in Korea. These are why we have developed KModStudio that is appropriate for Korea domestic market.