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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM VietRock Conference, March 12–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-VIETROCK-2015-025
... coal pillar thin coal seam march 2015 rock layer equation metals & mining complex reservoir dimension roadway isrm specialized conference vietrock2015 deformation Vietrock2015 an ISRM specialized conference Vietrock2015 12-13 March 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam The oretical analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM VietRock Conference, March 12–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-VIETROCK-2015-011
... specimen Upstream Oil & Gas Mean stress Reservoir Characterization consolidation empirical equation Artificial Intelligence axial stress mechanical property uniaxial compressive strength intrinsic permeability equation compressive strength brine content salt backfill permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM VietRock Conference, March 12–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-VIETROCK-2015-021
... at the top free and the bottom build-in cases, which is the micro pile buckling nonlinear cusp catastrophic model in line with the engineering characteristics. Moreover, we also introduce micro pile instability energy potential function and the bifurcation set equation, in this way, the micro pile limit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM VietRock Conference, March 12–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-VIETROCK-2015-057
... dump subsidence prediction march 2015 Modeling & Simulation subsidence prediction module metals & mining nam deo nai waste dump Hanoi isrm specialized conference vietrock2015 subsidence monitoring point equation Vietrock2015 an ISRM specialized conference Vietrock2015 12-13 March...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM VietRock Conference, March 12–13, 2015
Paper Number: ISRM-VIETROCK-2015-055
... exponential function isrm specialized conference vietrock2015 underground mining metals & mining prediction subsidence march 2015 exponential function parameter subsidence value subsidence prediction equation predict surface subsidence Hanoi hanoi university prediction method Vietrock2015...

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