This article shows the results of many years of research aimed at optimizing the created methodology of rational placement of equipment for monitoring and obtaining controlled parameters of rock mechanics of the massif surrounding the underground structure. Modern information technologies are used for visualization and convenience of further use of the obtained data. The purpose of the original study was the joint application of modern numerical methods and Geo-Information Systems (GIS) to optimize geomechanically monitoring systems of underground structures. With sufficient methodological and scientific justification, it will allow to carry out long-term geomechanically forecasts of the object behavior at any stage of the project life cycle to ensure the necessary technical decisions in real time if necessary.
Any underground structures require a complex of works (Gorbatova 2020) on geomechanically monitoring of rock mass and control of rock mechanics parameters (Udalov 2001). The mountain massif accommodates an underground structure and a geomechanically connection appears - the so-called system of the "rock massif - underground structure". The rock mass and the underground structure affect each other and thus form stresses and deformations in the massif and structures of the underground structure (Marinos 2010) during different periods of the object's existence.
The placement of monitoring and measuring equipment is established on the basis of the designers' personal preferences. Currently, in Russia, there are no clear recommendations for the rational placement of monitoring equipment in underground structures. Such approach to the organization of the monitoring system for the work of underground structures is not acceptable at the present stage (Zakharov 2012).
It is necessary to scientifically justify and confirm by the results of the conducted modeling the necessity of staging the research equipment in the given place. It is also necessary to create a separate project in information systems. This project will serve to visualize the monitoring system, store the results of measurements and compare with the predicted values. This is necessary to make decisions to prevent accidents (Kulikova 2013).