This paper concentrates on the applications of a self-developed numerical model, i.e. a rock discontinuous cellular automaton (RDCA), on modeling of the excavation induced mechanical behavior of rock tunnels. In order to simulate the internal boundaries between rock mass and removal part in excavation, three level set functions for circular interface, elliptical interface and polygonal interface are introduced and implemented in RDCA. By doing so, arbitrary shape and position of excavation geometries can be conveniently implemented with the same set of grid. Furthermore, the excavation and the induced crack propagation can be represented and simulated without explicitly meshing. The reliability and versatility of RDCA in the modeling of rock mechanical under excavation are demonstrated.
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ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014
September 9–13, 2014
Goiania, Brazil
Modeling of Rock Mechanical Behaviors Under Excavation Using a Continuous-Discontinuous Cellular Automaton
Fei Yan
Fei Yan
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Paper Number:
September 09 2014
Pan, Peng-Zhi, Feng, Xia-Ting, and Fei Yan. "Modeling of Rock Mechanical Behaviors Under Excavation Using a Continuous-Discontinuous Cellular Automaton." Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
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