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Proceedings Papers
ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014
September 9–13, 2014
Goiania, Brazil
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Study of Formation Skin Caused by Changes in Pore Pressure Using a Coupled Simulator
Eduin Alexander López Patino; Abel de Jesús Naranjo Agudelo; Juan M. Mejía; Guillermo Arturo Álzate Espinosa
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
A Comparative Study of Constitutive Models for Reservoir Compaction and Surface Subsidence
Pedro A.L.P. Firme; Roberto Quevedo Quispe; Deane Roehl; Maria Fernanda Oliveira; Miltiadis Parotidis; Brent Glassborow
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
A Kinematic Analysis Tool for Slopes (KATS)
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Anisotropic Stress Profiling and Tectonic Strain Calibration in a Tight Basement Formation
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Application of the Discrete Element Method for Modelling the Block and Flexural Toppling Mechanisms in Rock Slopes
Fredy Alvaro Elorrieta Agramonte; Eurípedes do Amaral Vargas, Jr.; Rodrigo Pelucci de Figueiredo; Luis Arnaldo Mejia Camones
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Borehole Camera and Extensometers to Study Hanging Wall Stability – Case Study Using Voussoir Beam - Cuiabá Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Coupled Fluid Flow/Geomechanics Simulator for Modeling Multiphase Flow and Geomechanical Processes
Eduin Alexander López Patiño; Abel de Jesús Naranjo Agudelo; Juan Manuel Mejía Cárdenas; Guillermo Arturo Alzate Espinosa
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Cratering Prediction due to Block Caving
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Hoek & Brown and Barton & Bandis Criteria Applied to a Planar Sliding at a Dolomite Mine in Gandarela Synclinal
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Critical Analysis of Laboratory Testing Procedures for Setting Properties of Rock Materials
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Deformations in Sedimentary Rock Masses Affected by a Fault, Case Study of the Research Gallery of the Chánguena Fault, Costa Rica
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Effect of Temperature in the Rock Mechanics Behavior
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Engineering Works Affected by Soft Rocks
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Experimental Correlations to Obtain Elastic Properties of Shale Rocks Using the Indentation Test
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Failure Modes in Road Tunnels of Sierra Valle Fertil. San Juan. Argentina
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Gas-Shale Fracturing and Fracture Mobilization in Shear: Quo Vadis?
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geological-Geomechanical Modeling as a Support for the Design and Monitoring of Oil Wells
Vivian Rodrigues Marchesi; Débora Lopes Pilotto Domingues; Alvaro Gustavo Talavera Lopez; Sergio Augusto Barreto da Fontoura; Clemente José Gonçalves; Marcos Fonseca Alcure
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geomechanical Aspects Related to Modeling of Massive Sand Production during Cold Heavy Oil Production
Alejandra Arbelaez Londoño; Jose Gildardo Osorio Gallego; Guillermo Alzate Espinosa; Abel Naranjo Agudelo
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geomechanical Characterization for the Doán Formation Breccias, Siquirres, Costa Rica
Danilo A. Jiménez Ugalde; Carolina Gómez Méndez; Fabián A. Arquín Bolaños; Jorge A. Salazar Chacón; Alexis Cerdas Salas
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geomechanical Classification of Conglomerates for the Térraba and Limón Sur Basins, Costa Rica
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geomechanical Studies for the Recovery of Pillars Through Experimental Mining in a Pilot Area in the Urucum Mine and Automated Monitoring
Mauri Lopes Ferreira; Arildo Henrique de Oliveira; Wagner Castro; Alini Mancio; Frederico Tadeu Duarte; Rodrigo César Padula
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Geotechnical Properties of Brazilian Weak Sedimentary Rocks
Jayme de Oliveira Campos; Antenor Braga Paraguassu; Lorenz Döbereiner; Ely Borges Frazão; Lindolfo Soares
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
In Situ Stress Field Estimation for Underground Structures Design
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Mathematical Model to Quantify the Contribution of Thermal Stresses in Pore Pressure, Additional to the Compaction Effect
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Mechanical Tests on Digital Samples of Carbonates Obtained Using X-Ray Microtomography
Ruby L. Hernández-Pico; Sergio A.B. da Fontoura; Guilherme L. Righetto; Débora Pilotto; Sidnei Paciornik
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Model Building and Computational Processing Applied to Reservoir Geomechanics
Nelson Inoue; Sergio Augusto Barreto da Fontoura; Rafael Augusto do Couto Albuquerque; Carlos Emmanuel Ribeiro Lautenschläger; Guilherme Lima Righetto
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Modeling of Rock Mechanical Behaviors Under Excavation Using a Continuous-Discontinuous Cellular Automaton
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Modeling Strength Anisotropy
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Most Rock Masses are likely to be Anisotropic
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
New Approach for Estimating Cavings Volume to Avoid Wellbore Instabilities
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
New Developments for Single-Cutter Modeling of Evaporites Using Discrete Element Method
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Performance Assessment of Cuttings Re-Injection (CRI) Operations at the Manifa OilField, KSA
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
PFC Modeling of Re-fracturing Using Rock Cuttings
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Direction of Rock Failure in the 3D Analytical Solution for Rock Cutting
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Reliability Analysis of Rock Slope with Planar Failure Using the Direct Coupling Approach
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Research on Rock Mass Parameters Determination and Failure Mechanism Simulation of Pingshuo East Surface Mine Slope
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Rock Slope Instability and Rockfall Modeling Analysis and Mitigation at Mountainous Road, Western Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Slope Stability Analysis of Open Pit Highwall Mining Excavations – A Parametric Study
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Soft Rocks: Relevant Aspects to the Resumption of the Studies in Brazilian Geotechnics
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Stress-Dependent Permeability Measurement of Indiana Limestone and Silurian Dolomite Samples in Hydrostatic Tests
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Study of Formation Skin Caused by Changes in Pore Pressure Using a Coupled Simulator
Eduin Alexander López Patiño; Abel de Jesús Naranjo Agudelo; Juan M. Mejía; Guillermo Arturo Álzate Espinosa
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
UCS Estimation through Uniaxial Compressive Test, Scratch Test and Based Log Empirical Correlation
Anselmo Machado Borba; Francisco Henriques Ferreira; Erick Slis Raggio Santos; Victor Manuel Domingues Menezes; Michael Strugale
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Underground Salt Caverns Opened by Solution Mining for Brine Production and Storage of Natural Gas
Pedro Vassalo Maia da Costa; Deane Roehl; Alvaro Maia da Costa; Cláudio dos Santos Amaral; Edgard Poiate, Jr.
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Understanding Mine Behaviour Through Multi-Scale Modelling: A Study of the Cuiaba Mine, Brazil
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Use of Geomechanical Classifications in a Schist Rock Mass, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais
Tatiana Barreto dos Santos; Paulo Filipe Trindade Lopes; Larissa Regina Costa Silveira; Milene Sabino Lana
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
Wellbore Deformations and Proposed Steel Casing Size for Remediation in Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Paper presented at the ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure - SBMR 2014, Goiania, Brazil, September 2014.
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