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In underground mine projects, the in situ stress knowledge is essential, since those need, directly or as an input, the stress orientation and magnitude for the underground excavations design, their support and reinforcement, numerical modeling construction, mine method and mine sequence selection, rockburts prediction and others. The in situ stress knowledge is generally based on in situ stress measurements, as the overcoring technique. Since it has a high cost, generally this kind of measurements is limited to some measurements. Nevertheless, different information can be used to the stress comprehension known as indirect and indicative techniques, like discing and breakout. The analyses and comparison of the direct measurements with discing and breakout information provided to the Cuiaba Mine considerable data for its in situ stress model construction.

1. Introdução

A Mina Cuiabá, localizada no município de Sabará a 35Km da capital do estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, constitui, atualmente, uma das minas subterrâneas de ouro mais importantes do Brasil alcançando mais de uma centena de quilômetro de escavações, com profundidade superiore a 1.100m. Os principais métodos de lavra utilizados são o Corte e Enchimento, o Sublevel Stoping e em menor proporção, Câmaras e Pilares.

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