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Keywords: effective porosity
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-096
... Upstream Oil & Gas experiment coefficient helium concentration nuclear power plant gaseous fission product Fluid Dynamics iodine effective porosity accident flow in porous media containment fission product water permeability underground nuclear power plant injection hole air...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-122
... in the system of cracks is v = ~ = k.S mls n n (2) where n = effective porosity. The effective porosity is not equal to the total porosity of the rock. The porosity of. the "homo- geneous" rock should not be included, and neither cracks running laterally to the direction of the groundwater flow. The porosity, n...

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