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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-007
...UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF OIL AND GAS PRODUCTS Y. Ignatius Chairman of the Board, Finncavern Ltd. Oy, Assistant Director Engineering, Neste Oy, Keilaniemi, Espoo, Finland ABSTRACT We in Finland have large-scale commercial experience in storing crude oils and oil products in unlined underground caverns...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-037
...POLYTANK UNDERGROUND LIQUID STORAGE I. Sagefors and A. Calminder WP System AB, Drottninggatan 99, Stockholm, Sweden ABSTRACT A group of vertical cylindrical rock caverns is the basic idea of the POLYTANK concept. Ver- tical caverns can sometimes offer a good solution to underground storages...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-042
... potential was based on the cri- teria that there should be a static head of water above the mine greater than the maximum allowable operating pressure in the vapor space in the storage cavern, and that there should be an hydraulic gradient toward the mine sufficient to prevent escape of vapors...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-054
... The hydrogeological survey was executed in a small granite island for the construction of underground oil storage caverns. In spite of many cracks and fissures, the permeability of the bedrock was relatively low (10-4 to 10-6 em/sec.) and thus the level of groundwater table was very high. As for the groundwater flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-018
... plusieurs phases. KEYWORDS Rock cavern; bomb shelter; sports; designing; site investigations. CIVILIAN USE OF UNDERGROUND BOMB SHELTERS IN FINLAND According to Finnish legislation new buildings of a volume of at least 3000 m3 shall be pro- vided with air-raia ~helters. The air-raid shelter can be built...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-008
... and Sweden installed for crude oil and refined products have been constructed in mined, unlined caverns. This has proved to be the cheapest and safest way. However, the promotion of this technology in other countries has been more complicated than expected. Many obstacles have appeared e.g. less favourable...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-043
... Upstream Oil & Gas cavern gas leakage rock mass flow in porous media Fluid Dynamics natural gas storage borehole Downstream Oil & Gas water leakage water pressure ground water level seepage flow hydraulic gradient oil storage storage cavern water injection borehole...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-029
... than 50% of the total number in the world. It has given considerable experience to the designers as well as to the contractors. This has benefited planning, design and construction of a large number of other underground installations throughout the country ranging from caverns for storage purposes...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-051
...REMARKS ON THE PRESENT STATUS OF SOLUTION-MINING TECHNOLOGICAL PLANNING OF STORAGE CAVERNS IN SALT AND THE PRACTICAL RESULTS ACHIEVED P. Quast and S. Beckel Kavernen Bau- und Betriebs-GmbH, Rathenaustr. l3-14, D - 3000 Hannover 1, Federal Republic of Germany ABSTRACT In the present paper an attempt...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-024
... underground at Bjerkas, 30 km south of Oslo. The plant will serve 300 000 persons and is designed to tre~t a dry weather flow of 3.0 ~3/s. The main reason for the subsurface location is environmental. The plant is being placed in 11 parallel caverns of 16 m span with 12 m wide pillars between. The rocks...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-079
... cavern heating Norway installation renewable energy calculation rock installation recovery system technical room locker room ventilation system Swimming Pool energy economy ENERGY ECONOMY IN SPORTS HALLS AND SWIMMING POOLS IN ROCK M. Derum Fortifikasjon A/S, Consultants in Rock...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-069
...-surface rock formations which are ideally suited for hosting large underground caverns. The world's first underground nuclear facilities were built in Norway (Halden) and was commissioned in 1959. Recent feasibility studies in a number of countries have proposed conceptual designs for full scale nuclear...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-034
...BACTERIAL IMPAIRMENT OF WATER CURTAIN BETWEEN OIL STORAGE CAVERNS IN ROCK T. F. Barbo and S. W. Danielsen NOTEBY, Norsk Teknisk Byggekontro/l A/S, (Partners of Norconsult A/SJ, Oslo, Norwav ABSTRACT The paper is concerned with a recent discovery of oil degrading bacteria reducing the effect...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-074
... multiphase flow aperture roughness hydraulic fracturing maneri cavern gas Bubble rock cavern Upstream Oil & Gas fracture aperture regime gas escape critical gradient surface tension storage rock fracture fracture gas pressure Fluid Dynamics two-phase flow liquid terminal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-052
...OPTIMIZATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR SOLUTION-MINED CAVERNS IN SALT D. E. Shaw, R. E. Langston and R. D. Ellison D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, Inc., 10 Duff Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235, USA ABSTRACT The use of solution-mined caverns for oil storage poses different design considerations than...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-045
... Artificial Intelligence model test rock salt Upstream Oil & Gas Thickness anhydrite diameter natural gas storage cavern salt bed salt formation investigation hydrocarbon storage cavern stress rearrangement Reservoir Characterization stope cavern diameter saltdome cavern...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-057
...A NEW APPROACH FOR LPG (PROPANE BUTANE) UNDERGROUND STORAGE IN LINED CAVERNS ABOVE THE WATER TABLE (MESILAT ZION, ISRAEL) J. Vered-Weiss*, A. Flexer B. Aisenstein* and J. Tabary . Petroleum Services Ltd., Tel-Aviv, Israel Tel Aviv University, Israel Stoftis, Paris ABSTRACT The paper describes...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-100
...HARD ROCK CAVERNS FOR UNDERGROUND PUMPED HYDROELECTRIC AND COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE C. Willett and R. H. Curtis Acres American Incorporated, Buffalo, New York, USA ABSTRACT A description is given of the studies and field investigations undertaken to develop the design of caverns...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-031
... ways to construct and maintain undergroun:1 installations. Before going into details a brief sumnary will be given of some basic facts of importance when looking for practical solutions. MEl'EOROLOGYANDSUBSURFACEV NTILATION Rock caverns are characterized by a rather constant temperature. furing periods...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - Rockstore 80, June 23–27, 1980
Paper Number: ISRM-Rockstore-1980-130
... underground cavities necessary for the storage of petroleum. With respect to natural gas the necessity to cope with large load variations calls for short term storage facilities. Here liquid natural gas in underground caverns may offer attractive solutions both from the economical point of view and when...

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