
This paper investigates the applicability of DInSAR for monitoring the displacements of a steep slope along a roadway in a small area. Since DInSAR is usually applied for detecting displacements in extensive areas (e.g., more than 100 square kilometers), it is important to find a way to apply it to smaller targets (e.g., less than a square kilometer), which are often faced in Rock and Geotechnical Engineering. The SBAS-DInSAR method was employed as a multi-temporal analysis and applied to monitor a steep slope along a roadway. ALOS-2 SAR data, observed from 2014 to 2020, were used. Comparing the displacements obtained by DInSAR and GPS in the same area, the results showed a good agreement with a discrepancy of around 10-20 mm. It was found that SBAS-DInSAR has the potential to be applied for monitoring the displacements of local steep slopes.

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