This paper characterizes volcanic rocks through the application of an empirical geomechanical system designated as VRS (Volcanic Rock System). For the VRS, geotechnical information was collected from samples from several Atlantic Ocean islands that include Madeira and Canarias archipelagos, taking also into consideration data from other different sources. The new empirical system is based on the consideration of six geological-geotechnical parameters to which relative weights are attributed. The final VRS index value, which varies between 0 and 100, is obtained through the algebraic sum of these weights. Some representative correlations were obtained between VRS coefficients and RMR and GSI values. Correlations were obtained between deformability rock mass modulus and VRS with an exponential expression and also for each rock type. In addition, the volcanic rock formations were also analyzed using a decision tree algorithm and considering variables from the VRS and RMR systems.
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ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields
September 9–11, 2021
Fukuoka, Japan
Volcanic Rocks Characterization Based on Soft Computing Algorithms by Using VRS Empirical System
Luís Ribeiro e Sousa;
Luís Ribeiro e Sousa
University of Porto, Portugal
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Joaquim Tinoco;
Joaquim Tinoco
ISISE, University of Minho, Guimarães
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Rita Leal e Sousa;
Rita Leal e Sousa
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken
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António Topa Gomes
António Topa Gomes
University of Porto, Portugal
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Paper presented at the ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields, Fukuoka, Japan, September 2021.
Paper Number:
September 09 2021
Ribeiro e Sousa, Luís, Tinoco, Joaquim, Leal e Sousa, Rita, Karam, Karim, and António Topa Gomes. "Volcanic Rocks Characterization Based on Soft Computing Algorithms by Using VRS Empirical System." Paper presented at the ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields, Fukuoka, Japan, September 2021.
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