An economical and environmentally-friendly solution to stabilize jointed vertical rock slopes in works of improvement and cross section widening of a local road section in Gran Canaria Island (Spain) is presented in this paper. Due to the mountainous relief of this territory, this road cross over an extremely narrow section between two deep cliffs with vertical rock slopes on jointed phonolitic ignimbrites. The structural solution involves the construction of traditional gravity retaining walls with passive fully-grouted steel bar anchorages within its foundation. The rock mass nailing under the foundation of the retaining walls and even the adjacent rock slopes is also designed. This system combines traditional constructions of high simplicity with modern techniques of rock reinforcement.
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ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Geoengineering in Volcanic Environments
May 31–June 1, 2010
Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
Passive Anchors Within Retaining Walls to Stabilize Volcanic Rock Slopes in Road Widening
M.A. Franesqui
M.A. Franesqui
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
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Paper presented at the ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Geoengineering in Volcanic Environments, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, May 2010.
Paper Number:
May 31 2010
Franesqui, M.A. "Passive Anchors Within Retaining Walls to Stabilize Volcanic Rock Slopes in Road Widening." Paper presented at the ISRM International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Geoengineering in Volcanic Environments, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, May 2010.
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