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Keywords: saturation
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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-501
... that is adaptable for saturated soil. On the other hand, some of natural slopes are under unsaturated state. If shear strengths of these unsaturated soils become problems in analysis, the triaxial compression tests are conducted in which the stress states, the drained condition and the water content...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-583
... with the deformations of the soil skeleton in a physically consistent manner. Upstream Oil & Gas three-phase soil model saturation hydrostatic stress flow in porous media soil skeleton soil model Denote mass balance equation Fluid Dynamics experiment two-phase formulation formulation...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-477
... earth falls and shallow slips can occur during rainfall due to saturation and loss of strength with time. At steep benches (> 55o) exposing Zone II with day-lighting relict discontinuity planes, wedge failures can occur due to saturation and low shear strengths. During periods of intense...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-107
... acceptance standard Reservoir Characterization conductivity value water content test result saturation dry unit weight mineral barrier material conductivity performance conductivity probability LABORATORY MEASURED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY OF MINERAL BARRIER MATERIALS COMPARED WITH ACCEP- TANCE...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-049
... relative difference seabed thickness soil displacement wave-induced seabed response inertia force soil response saturation Reservoir Characterization pore pressure wave-induced pore pressure effective stress coarse sand Upstream Oil & Gas normal stress vertical effective normal stress...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-079
... a twodimensional profile model. Water saturations and water and Soltrol-130 pressures were measured in the tank using resistivity probes and tensiometers, respectively. Physical properties such as capillary pressure-saturation curves, the soil saturation-resistivity relationship, and soil permeability were...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-172
... of rock mass. In this paper, using 17 types of intact rock specimens and 2 types of rock specimens with single joint, the resistivity of these specimens are measured in the laboratory. From these measured data, the relation between resistivity of the rock specimens, saturation,. porosity and aperture...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-213
... is saturated, whereas the yellow one has degree of saturation of 90%. The suction values measured in the laboratory on the block samples using the filter paper method (Chandler and Gutierrez, 1986) were about 1700 kPa for the grey clay and over 3000 kPa for the yellow clay. Cotecchia and Chandler (1995) report...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-198
... was determined according to the ISRM suggested method, and the levels of saturation of the specimens are controlled at 100%, 80%, 40%, 25%, 0% (Chu, 1998). In the petrographic analysis, the texture of sandstone was observed by polarized microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Using polarized...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-503
... Univ., 1-1 Rokkoudai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan is the soil water that exists at the contact points of soil particles as shown in Figure.1 (b). Then the ratio of the bulk water to the all of the soil water increases, when the degree of saturation becomes higher. Effect of suction, which...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-495
... in moisture content of the soil at the toe of the slope. Moisture content of the soil was noted to reach its saturated value at the time of failure. This indicates that rainfall-induced slope failure is a consequence of instability of the toe of the slope induced by saturation process under drained condition...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-506
... ABSTRACT: This paper presents results obtained from a study of geotechnical properties of some pyroclastic deposits resting on the dolomitic limestone slope of Sorrentina Peninsula. The shallow layers of pyroclastic cover suffer landslides as flowslides. These partially saturated soils...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, September 10–12, 1990
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1990-024
... Reservoir Characterization Olivier assessment rock material reservoir geomechanics durability absorption rock type classification disintegration rock mass Upstream Oil & Gas variation excavation mudrock geomechanical property saturation moisture tunnel excavation moisture...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, August 30–September 2, 1989
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1989-022
... simulating rock overburden stresses. The maximum confining pressure of 12 MPa applied on rock specimens corresponds to a overburden of around 525 metres of rock. The studies included the combined effect of confining pressure and degree of saturation on electrical resistivity of these sandstones. An attempt...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, August 30–September 2, 1989
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1989-136
... properties such as porosity, permeability, compres- sibility, saturation, pore pressure, fracture density, etc. Seismic methods are only beginning to be used in hydrocarbon recovery assess- ment, in view of the growing need to bet- ter understand recovery. The major prob- lem is the complexity of reservoirs...