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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-501
... strength solid line relation water content test result unconfined compression test ESTIMATION OF COHESION IN UNSATURATED SOIL WITH UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST Kato S1, Yoshimura Y2, Kawai. K3 ABSTRUCT Estimation of the cohesion in shear strength under unsaturated state is an important problem when...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-569
... and passive lateral pressure on curved (circular) shear surfaces by an original Apriori Integration Method {AIM} {Koudelka 1997, Koudelka&Fischer 1999}. displacement Tokyo Koudelka balkema publ lateral pressure underground construction relation Proc experiment geotechnical aspect Upstream...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-610
... are often used. The authors have been concerned with the relations among rock mass classes and their physical and mechanical properties for some time and they gathered in-situ and laboratory test data from the sites in Japan as well as those at other parts of the world. These data are compiled and processed...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-635
... load cell close proximity penmaenbach tunnel anchorage behaviour Upstream Oil & Gas fluctuation ambient temperature anchor head rock mass variation anchorage tunnel relation Medium Capacity Rock Anchorage West Portal construction ABSTRACT: The paper describes...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-612
... and tested by various researchers in the past (Kanagawa et al., 1976; Kurita and Fujii, 1979; Seto et al.,1992, 1995) with the aim of providing a practical technique for retrieving the Kaiser effect. Yamamoto et al. (1990) proposed the DRA method to investigate anelastic strain behaviors in relation...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-047
... crack towards the effective compliance is also discussed. hydraulic fracturing uniform stress superposition loading deformability Reservoir Characterization open crack problem compliance Crack pattern crack problem relation crack surface hmcm stress distribution constraint stress...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-197
...APPROACH AND RELATION BETWEEN MINERALOGY AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF GRANULAR PARTICLES Rabah Iddir1 Fabrice Emeriault2 Nadir Laradi3 ABSTRACT Granular particles always played a major role in the domain of construction, buildings, hydraulic, they constitute the principal produce used in body...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-231
... a a (kP a) 80 120 160 200 240 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 For (1) ~ (9) elapsed time= 15 hrs. Overshooting 9 0 Figs. 1 : (a) a ~ a , and (b) a ~ r relations of triaxial compression tests on HOS12 specimen (b) r =80 kPa a (kP a) Figures 1a and b show the relationships between, respectively...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-261
... multilaminate framework liquefaction cyclic loading plane plastic deformation granular material relation particle mechanical behavior pore water pressure AN INTEGRATED PLANES ELASTIC-PLASTIC MODEL FOR LIQUEFACTIONOF SATURATED SAND Seyed Amirodin Sadrnejad Associate Prof.1 ABSTRACT Modeling...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-243
.... In addition, the stiffness recovery due to the dissipation of excess pore water pressure is taken into account. The stiffness recovery can be described by the phase transformation from liquid to solid. The relation between the phase transformation and the dissipation of excess pore water pressure is described...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-408
... that the relation between the quay wall displacement and the liquefied back fill width has a similar tendency as observed in the actual case. In order to explain the findings, the dilatancy of saturated sand at large strains was examined and established an experimental relation between the decrease of the pore...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-389
...) conducted a test on a large-scale pile group subjected to cyclic lateral loading. Kimura et al. (1991) developed a 3-dimensional static finite-element-analysis program (GPILE-3D) in which the stress-strain relation of the ground was simulated with Drucker-Prager model in monotonic loading condition. Later...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-392
.... platform Offshore Platform Upstream Oil & Gas resistance safety factor diagram axial load relation programme reaction pile foundation design condition black sea continental platform Thickness Offshore Structure pile length lateral load romanian black sea load coefficient PILE...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-278
... full scale test amsterdam Stoel Reservoir Characterization relation clay layer pile foundation tensile strength Upstream Oil & Gas secant modulus diameter compressive strength A.E.C. van der Stoel 1/7 STRENGTH & STIFFNESS PARAMETERS OF JET GROUTING COLUMNS : FULL SCALE TEST AMSTERDAM...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-493
... Fig.3 Cross section of soil mass Fig.4 Potential slip plane in soil mass Fig.6 Relation between void ratio and number of contact points per particle. H 0 Fi V d Fig.5 Equilibrium of force on the surface of a particle 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 void ratio @e n u m be r of c on ta ct p...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-274
... parameters are defined to explain the non-linear pullout response. Comparative parametric studies were carried out for a range of relative stiffness and bond resistance. Normalised load - displacement relations and the variations of pullout force and displacements with distance, are expressed in finite...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-435
... in the modeling of the physical process. relation probability theory discontinuity zadeh Engineering geotechnical engineering water pressure Artificial Intelligence rock bearing strength modeling information application excessive settlement fuzzy logic clay layer fuzzy characterization model...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-528
... of the top-coal, the strata behaviors in the caving face, and the relation of the support and the surrounding rock. In order to employ the caving technique in a widespread scope, the problems such as the caving technique in the hard coal seam, the moving and running of the loose top-coal, and the upper...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, September 10–12, 1990
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1990-001
... shear displacement loading Upstream Oil & Gas displacement dynamic loading excavation reservoir geomechanics jointed rock strength ground motion dynamic performance rock mass Reservoir Characterization relation joint model shear resistance increment underground excavation injection...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, August 30–September 2, 1989
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1989-118
... Reservoir Characterization relation caption reservoir geomechanics injection fluid laboratory breakdown pressure MPa hydraulic fracturing Hubbert initial pore pressure experimental result Indiana limestone Poisson wellbore wall equation Upstream Oil & Gas pore pressure...