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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-482
... geotechnical engineering office landslide study area slope information procedure Hong Kong ESTIMATION OF FAILURE FREQUENCY OF SOIL CUT SLOPES USING RAINFALL AND SLOPE INFORMATION P L Richard Pang, Wai-keung Pun and Yat-fung Yu1 ABSTRACT The Geotechnical Engineering Office keeps comprehensive rainfall...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-555
... rotational or sliding failure mechanisms are evident. However, in situations where several potential explanations are identified, or where previous remedial work has been undertaken, the determination of the most likely explanation becomes tedious, costly, or both. A transparent diagnostic procedure...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-628
... Artificial Intelligence displacement Excavation Procedure evaluation machine learning function parameter correlation excavation method rock mass ground transportation information excavation Case History procedure rail transportation accuracy prediction application sequential...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-522
... and Fredlund (1993) balanced the number of equations that can be established from physical and mechanical requirements to the number of unknowns involved in these equations. stability analysis dimensional slope stability analysis procedure Chen interface numerical method failure mass assumption...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-585
... rail transportation displacement Excavation Procedure vertical displacement concrete segment infinite element application finite element mesh ground transportation tunnel structure underground railway system non-linear finite element model Engineering shield procedure settlement...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-586
... ABSTRACT: A computer simulation of the tunnelling procedure carried out for the new underground railway lines in Madrid is presented in this paper. First the excavation procedure and the details of the construction of the tunnel structure is explained. Then the set of finite elements model...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-587
... of a hydro powerplant. The measurements were made in bore holes by unloading procedure developed at the Institute for Underground Surveying (VNIMI)-strain measurements on the face of a bore hole during drilling of a core sample (Belik, 1958). natural stress state reservoir geomechanics rock massif...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-107
.... The base liner properties are well within the acceptable standards. However due to difficult compaction conditions on the side slopes, some samples of the capping liner failed the acceptance criteria. Through an evaluation procedure which takes into account the variability and probability of exceeding...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-038
... & Gas wave velocity specimen particle motion stiffness application santamarina p-wave velocity wave propagation anisotropy procedure stokoe propagation SEISMIC-WAVE-BASED TESTING IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Kenneth H. Stokoe, II1 and J. Carlos Santamarina2 ABSTRACT As the geotechnical...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-053
... on optimization of a series of suitable schemes. Comparison with in-situ measures shows an applicable and efficient procedure. PHASE I STUDY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS ORGANIZATION Environmental Appraisal for Deep Excavation in Urban Constructions of tall buildings or underground engineering cannot...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-054
... modelling. The numerical procedure adopted (a point estimate method) is briefly described. A finite-element code is used to process the input variables and determine the input parameters for the performance function. The practicability of the suggested procedure is shown by solving an idealized tunnel...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-160
... procedures were restored, thus allowing assessment of the effectiveness of the oil plume containment. 1 Luiz Guilherme F. S. de Mello, Escola Politcnica, University of So Paulo 2 Adalberto da Silva, Instituto Astronmico e Geofsico, University of So Paulo 3 Slvio Lus Santos Fo. M. Ferr. S.A. 4. Mrio J...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-125
... the construction process without developing excessive punctures. Therefore, there is a need to accurately quantify the puncture resistance of geotextiles. To conduct a field drop test is one way to satisfy this need. A field drop-test employing a standard procedure was completed in Singapore. This procedure uses...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-025
... analysis methods are needed to better evaluate structural performance in terms of levels of damage, and that traditional force based design procedures can lead to unnecessarily high retrofit costs, both for structural and foundation elements. New seismic retrofit design guidelines in the United States...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-206
...THE USE OF NON- CORE DRILLING FOR GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GROUND Paolo Colosimo ABSTRACT The paper discusses the use of non coring drilling for the geotechnical characterization of the ground. The procedure proposed is based on the calculation of the specific drinffig energy (SDE...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-246
... Tests were used in the analysis for determining cyclic strength of the soil. SeedÕs Simplified Procedure was employed for evaluation of liquefaction potential. Based on the analysis carried out for different magnitudes of earthquake, it was concluded that the top soil is susceptible to liquefaction due...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-252
... Response analysis slip surface History safety newmark model procedure stress field EVALUATION OF SEISMIC PERMANENT DISPLACEMENTS BASED ON VARIABLE CRITICAL SLIP SURFACES Takuo Yamagami I, Jing-Cai Jiangl , TieQun Feng2 and Katsutoshi Denol ABSTRACT The conventional Newmark model is widely used...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-223
... for making courseware are based on following rules: content too abstract to be understood without visual picture, calculation too complicated to be calculated in class (taking too long time), procedure of experiment too complex to be followed, experience hard to be obtained in class. From...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-169
... drilling fluid chemistry drilling fluids and materials cation exchange capacity correlation procedure methylene blue value Clay soil SURFACE AREA USING METHYLENE BLUE ADSORPTION AS A MEASURE OF SOIL EXPANSIVITY. Stephen G. Fityus1 David W. Smith2 and Ann M. Jennar.3 ABSTRACT The physical...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, November 19–24, 2000
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-2000-244
... number silt elastic shear modulus University procedure initial liquefaction liquefaction vibration reconstituted specimen DYNAMIC TESTING OF SILT USING BENDER ELEMENT Bo Huang1, Jian-Hua Yin2, Shi-Ming Wu3 and Yun-Min Chen4 ABSTRACT The cyclic strain approach proposed by Yokel et al. (1980...