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Keywords: geotechnical research
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, September 27–29, 1978
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1978-001
...ORGANIZATION OF GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH IN LNEC ULPIO NASCIMENTO, Principal Research Officer, LNEC, Portu'gal. " Summary The aims of LNEC are described as well as its activity, organiza- tion and general facilities as regards the specific field of Geotechnique, listing the subjects dealt...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, September 27–29, 1978
Paper Number: ISRM-IS-1978-005
...GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH HANKA SOBCZAK CHRYSSAFOPOULOS, Ph. D., Senior Eng., Dames and Moore, USA. SUMMARY The aim of this paper is to stress the fact that soils, eVen though formed in place, transported, and deposited, all aCcording to rigorous physical laws followed by nature do not behave like man...

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