A discussion is presented of the results of several years of monitoring the dynamics of geomechanical processes in the peri-contour part of the rock massif under a combined cyclic effect of mining works and tectonic forces. The spatial-temporal self-organizing properties are established in the structure of stress fields around the mining entries of certain orientation in relation to the mining works and tectonic faults. The established behavior peculiarities of the rock massif can be used for prediction of rock dynamic destruction and for designing the mining works parameters.


The experimental data accumulated during the last years about the character of behavior of a rock massifs immediately adjoining the mining works (the peri-contour part of the rock massif) allow to get a fresh impression of the deformation and destruction mechanism of underground mining. The external influence of natural or technogenic character (tectonic processes, development of the front of stoping works, the explosive breakage of ore, etc.) lead to disturbance of natural stress fields. The dynamics of their change in time and space is directly dependent on the fracturing and the distribution of discontinuities in the geological environment. The most widespread type of similar influence during the underground mining of deposits is the explosive breakage of ore, when a rock massif is periodically influenced by two factors: the forces of an explosive wave and the forces appearing due to the cyclic increase of volume of the mined space. In tectonically active regions, an additional destabilizing factor is that of horizontal stresses, which can occasionally exceed the vertical stresses. The nonlinear (in time and space) change of tectonics estimating of the tensor stresses frequently results in sudden destruction of the pericontour of the mining entry, including the most dangerous form of rockburst.

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