This study aims at making the reference table of the mix design in accordance with the required design specifications for the soilcrete made of FGC stabilizing agent by using the statistical experiment method. FGC stabilizing agent is the optimized mixtures of Fly ash, Gypsum and Cement for the ettringite hydrates which is effective for early stabilization of unconsolidated soil. The treated soil is the clay which are widely found here and there in Korea. As the results of this study we could derive the practical reference mix design table for the clay soil treated by the FGC stabilizing agent in accordance with the compressive strength of 50• 200kg/cm2 soilcrete with respect to the contents of soil stabilizer, fine sand, superplasticizer. And we could also find so much fibrous ettringite hydrates at the treated clay by FGC stabilizing agent through SEM photographs. In general fibrous ettringite hydrates are very effective for stabilization of the high water or organic soil.
Soil-cement is a mixture of pulverized soil material and measured amounts of portland cement based soil stabilizer and water, compacted to high density. As the cement hydrates, the soil-cement mixture becomes a hard, durable paving material. Soil-cement is sometimes called cement-treated base or cement-stabilized-aggregate base. Regardless of what it is called, the principal governing its composition and construction are the same. Like in this study, engineering properties of FGC-treated base is similar to that of the ordinary lean concrete, so we will intend to call the FGC-soil mixture as soilcrete from now. In Korea with the stress of nature conservation, the application cases of soilcrete are rapidly increased at the light traffic road for park, farm, forest, golf course etc.. Because the leavings of weathered soilcrete are able to be returned to the surround nature without pollutions in short period.