The paper discusses the possibility of using the principles of bionics for designing reinforced earth embankments. Practical usage and novelty of proposed approach are shown on the example of number of patented concrete constructions. The results of model tests (method of equivalent material) and computer calculations (Finite Element Method – 2D, Limit Equilibrium Method – 3D), confirm high efficiency of proposed approach.
Due to wide use of reinforced soil technology in recent years the problem established of effective methods for optimization of the structures and reduction of cost of construction has become real.
Stressed-strained state (SSS) of the embankment is characterized by high irregularity both in longitudinal and transversal directions. In this state the strength properties of the materials in different parts of the embankment are used to various degrees. In this case the principle of equality in strength requires to select materials (soil and reinforcement) in such a way that their spatial arrangement should provide uniform SSS and should allow full use of their strength. In general, the solution of this problem is associated with many difficulties and it should be divided into several stages.
In order to work out the recommendations as far as rational distribution of reinforcement along the height of the embankment is concerned we have carried out three series of computations using "ARMDAM" program (finite element method, plain deformed state, written by the authors). In the first series of computations the criteria of evaluation of reinforcement efficacy were determined. For this purpose the height position of one layer of reinforcement has been changed and the embankment SSS has been analysed.