Growth of technical education (Khitoliya, 1999) mainly depends on the socio-economic and industrial conditions of a country and its development is controlled by the needs and requirements of the economy. In India, as elsewhere in the world, the early growth of geoengineering was related to the construction of Canal system (Khitoliya et al. 1997) and Communication routes. Failure of a few old structures and rapid rate of industrialization for development of civilization has compelled man to learn new innovative technologies for renewable and alternative sources of energy. Such situations are going to pose different kind of challenges to civil Engineers. Among the Civil Engineers, the geotechnical engineers are supposed to play a key role in this century in our country as the ideal sites for locating the structures drastically diminish and one is forced to accept poor soil conditions for locating the modern complex and heavy structures. The present geotechnical engineer has to study the landmasses, pollution due to industries and waste disposal besides its adverse effects on strength and settlement characteristics of the soil. The Geoenvironmental field has opened new vistas of knowledge. In India, two or three courses on geotechnical engineering besides one paper on engineering geology are taught at undergraduate level of four year duration covering basic and preliminary aspects. Further at postgraduate level, geotechnical engineering is taught as major specialization of civil engineering in most of the Engineering Colleges/ Institutions (Khitoliya, 1999) besides facilities also exist for Doctroal and Post-Doctoral research. The need is to formulate aspects of practical training along with the theoretical background. The exposure of field oriented problems of geotechnical engineering should be included in the syllabus. The paper depicts the present scenario and future suggestions to improve the curriculum of geogengineering education in brief.
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Development Of Geoengineering Education In India
Ravinder K. Khitoliya
Ravinder K. Khitoliya
Punjab Engineering College
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Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, November 2000.
Paper Number:
November 19 2000
Khitoliya, Ravinder K. "Development Of Geoengineering Education In India." Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, November 2000.
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