Rock in situ is arguably the most complex material encountered in any engineering discipline. Deformed and fractured over many millions of years and different tectonic stress regimes, it contains fractures on a wide variety of length scales from microscopic to tectonic plate boundaries. Hydraulic fractures, sometimes on the scale of hundreds of meters, may encounter such discontinuities on several scales. Developed initially as a technology to enhance recovery from petroleum reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing is now applied in a variety of subsurface engineering applications. Often carried out at depths of kilometers, the fracturing process cannot be observed directly. Early analyses of the hydraulic fracturing process assumed that a single fracture developed symmetrically from the packed off-pressurized interval of a borehole in a stressed elastic continuum. It is now recognized that this is often not the case. Pre-existing fractures can and do have a significant influence on fracture development, and on the associated distributions of increased fluid pressure and stresses in the rock. Given the usual lack of information and/or uncertainties concerning important variables such as the disposition and mechanical properties of pre-existing fracture systems and properties, rock mass permeabilities, in-situ stress state at the depths of interest, fundamental questions as to how a propagating fracture is affected by encounters with pre-existing faults, etc., it is clear that design of hydraulic fracturing treatments is not an exact science. Fractures in fabricated materials tend to occur on a length of scale that is small; of the orderof the ‘grain size’ of the material. Increase in the size of the structure does not introduce new fracture sets.
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ISRM International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing
May 20–22, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
Fractures and Fracturing: Hydraulic Fracturing in Jointed Rock
Charles Fairhurst
Charles Fairhurst
Itasca Consulting Group, Incorporated and University of Minnesota
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Paper presented at the ISRM International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing, Brisbane, Australia, May 2013.
Paper Number:
May 20 2013
Fairhurst, Charles. "Fractures and Fracturing: Hydraulic Fracturing in Jointed Rock." Paper presented at the ISRM International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing, Brisbane, Australia, May 2013.
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