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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium – EUROCK 2021, September 21–24, 2021
Paper Number: ISRM-EUROCK-2021-147
... warning system. Our near real time monitoring is implemented in the AlpSense project (www.bgu.tum.de/landslides/alpsense) that aims at development and evaluation of a multi-method anticipation approach for climate change related natural hazards. Here we share valuable lessons learnt during the development...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium - EUROCK 2017, June 20–22, 2017
Paper Number: ISRM-EUROCK-2017-060
... SC-CO 2 , and monitored acoustic emission (AE) induced by HF to clarify crack extension. enhanced recovery subsurface storage climate change coal bed methane coal seam gas fracturing materials coalbed methane complex reservoir Upstream Oil & Gas fracturing fluid acoustic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM Regional Symposium - EUROCK 2014, May 27–29, 2014
Paper Number: ISRM-EUROCK-2014-225
... an extension of approximately 50,000 km 2 and is the largest Cenozoic basin on the Iberian Peninsula. climate change structural geology Reservoir Characterization attenuation subsurface storage Upstream Oil & Gas co 2 canal flow-thru triaxial experiment permeability concentration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2012, May 28–30, 2012
Paper Number: ISRM-EUROCK-2012-003
... green construction Hallandsås Sweden accident infrastructure project climate change renewable energy knowledge requirement construction environmental issue tunnel environmental awareness emission Environmental Aspects in Civil Engineering Construction Keynote R. Sturk Skanska Sverige...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - EUROCK 2010, June 15–18, 2010
Paper Number: ISRM-EUROCK-2010-141
... of the global climate change an increase of extreme precipitation events is expected for Europe and the Alps (Alcamo et al. 2007). As heavy rainfall is an important trigger for landslides, the frequency of hazardous landslide events is also expected to rise. Luckily in most alpine regions the awareness...

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