Disposal of waste is an essential and important operation of surface mining. At present juncture, there are growing awarness of the problems of environmental pollutions due to waste disposal. Pollutions caused by waste disposal directly impacts on the health of human being, flora and founa of the surrounding area and pollutes the ecosystem. Suitable measures should be taken to control environmental pollutions. This paper summaries a comprehensive study on the key aspects of environmental damages due to waste disposal and effective environmentally acceptable control measures.


Abfallsbeseitigung ist ein fundamentale und wichtige Funktion/verfahren des Bergbaus. Heutzutage wird man sich des Umweltsversehmutzungsproblems sehr bewuβt, das aus der Abfllsbeseitigung entspringt. Die durch Abfllsbeseitigung verursachte Versehmutzung wirbt unmiltelbar auf die gesund heit der Mensehen, Flora and Founa der umliegenden gegend ans und sehadet aueh den wirtsehaftlichen system. Man mnβ also geeignete Maβnahmen ergreifen, um die Umweltsverschmutzung einzudammen. Der vorliegende Vortrag faβt eine Umfassende studie ueber die wesentliehen Aspektedes ans Abfallsbeseitigung verarSaehten UmweltsSchaden Um und aueh ueber die dem Environment passenden wirkungsvollen Maβnahmen.


Deposition d'ordure est une operation essentielle et importante du minaire superficiel. Aujourd'hui, on se rend compt d'un saroir progressif face au probleme des pollutions de l'environnement a' cause de la de'position des ordures. La pollution, causee par la deposition des ordures influence directeent la sante des êtres humain, l'efat des planses et des animaun de l'entourage et pollue Ie systeme de l'echo. II fant danc la mise en relief des moyens pour contrôller la pollution de l'environnement. Cet article resume une etude comprehensible des aspects cles du dommage de l'environnement a' cause de la deposition des ordures et des moyens du Contrôle effectifs selon aue permette l'environnement.


Disposal of waste is an important operation for surface mining and has created several pollution problems. The impact of it depends on the physical and chemical properties of waste and quantities of waste generated. Quantities of waste generation have been increased due to growing demand of the most minerals, and rapid advancement in the field of surface mining and mineral processing. Generation and disposal of such large quantities of waste has created environmental problem and greater attention is therefore required to protect environment.


Environmental consideration is a major factor when planning a disposal scheme. The environmental pollution in the extent of waste disposal can be divided into following catagories:

  • 2.1

    Land pollution: Land degradation, land slides and soil erosion;

  • 2.2

    Water pollution: Acid mine drainage, toxic pollutants and change in hydrology;

  • 2.3

    Air pollution: Dust, gases & smoke;

  • 2.4

    Noise pollution;

  • 2.5

    Ecological pollution: Deforestation, damage to wild life and aquatic life;

  • 2.6

    Aesthetic pollution; and

  • 2.7

    Sociological changes.

2.1 Land pollution Types of land pollution can be grouped under following headings:
2.1.1 Land degradation

The fine particles of the waste dump are carried away by the streams and winds, and spread over agricultural land impairing its fertility. The waste spread also change the composition of soil and affects the growth of vegetation. Seeping water during rainy season from these dumps contaminate ground water, river and stream water and also reduce fertility of agricultural lands in the surroundings due to increase in the salt contents of the soil year after year (Grier, 1991). This is because oxidation of the sulphide minerals and other minerals susceptible to oxidation release soluble salts in the presence of free air within the dumps more speedily (Ghosh et al., 1984).

2.1.2 Land slide and soil erosion

Waste dump situated over sloping and weak foundation may slide down in the form of earth flow when saturated with water which causes serious erosion problem.

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