With increasing computer power information technologies and numerical models are able to handle problems of extreme complexity. More and more information has to be analyzed and prepared as input data for such models, numerous results has to be interpreted, compared and understood. Furthermore, the results have to be explained comprehensively to politicians and the public. The concept of a "Body Information System", BIS, as a generalization of the general idea of "Geographic Information Systems", GIS, in space is presented. The task of BIS is twofold. First It combines all existing databases on the region as a general source of information for any analyses, dependant on the location. Second it realizes the general task of 3D-visualization.


Most large rock engineering projects in mountainous regions require careful and precise evaluation of geological structure, rock properties, natural stress state, groundwater conditions influence of many other factors sporadically distributed in space over a vast region of the project influence. Engineering decisions during design, construction and operation stages of the project being made on the basis of available in-situ data and information derived from prognoses. As a rule, in-situ data is scarce and sparse, especially during initial stages of the project implementation, and prognoses provide voluminous information (such as from numerical modeling (Barton et al. 1994)), which is at best reliable only in the same points in space, where trustworthy are sampled. The well known controversy between amount of really needed trustworthy information and required cost and tune for getting it, leads to development of procedures which may compensate with certain reliability the lack of real data. In this respect Bieniawsky et al. (1994), discussing the need to address uncertainty in geotechnical engineering design, quote a comment by Schmidt on "design by circumvention. That is, if a critical piece of information is not available, the best design may be one that doesn't require that piece of information". Though very appealing, this approach in most real cases cannot be implemented. Another approach, which is usually traced back to K. Terzaghi, assumes possibility to gradually the design during construction and even operation stages with decisions based on comparative analyses of prognoses and in situ data provided by monitoring.Where great level responsibility is needed, such as in a case of underground facilities for radioactive waste disposal, this approach looks beneficial. For consistency further on in this paper we will relay all our considerations to the projects of underground facilities for radioactive waste storage or disposal; however the approach is not limited solely to this type of underground structures. Any specific project in underground space development will start by the general task to find the suitable location, followed by the discussion of building alternatives. Both aspects are directly influenced by the character and quality of the underground space. Special tasks demands for special conditions on the surrounding.


The information depends on the location. The location has to be specified in the space.

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