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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM Regional Symposium - 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 21–25, 2021
Paper Number: ISRM-ARMS11-2021-439
... and torque. The integrated framework provides a set of data processing methods including data cleaning, partition of full tunnelling cycles, feature extracting and model establishment. These data mining methods were applied to analyse the in-situ data of a water conveyance project. The results showed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 29–November 3, 2018
Paper Number: ISRM-ARMS10-2018-036
... (RBM) in a limestone quarry. Rock strengths were estimated from the thrust force and cutting depth and from the torque and cutting depth during shaft excavation with the RBM; the two strengths show a similar trend from the bottom of the shaft to the surface. In addition, the depth at the low rock...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 14–16, 2014
Paper Number: ISRM-ARMS8-2014-168
... Decomposition (PPD) was developed to extract arbitrary data patterns easily and quickly from a large digital data sequence. The primitives use nine patterns. PPD with the primitives is applied for the detection of crack locations from torque logging data obtained during drilling. In a rotational drilling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, October 23–27, 2010
Paper Number: ISRM-ARMS6-2010-108
... of TBM in the field with 79% confident level. Result of sensibility analysis on the effect of Thrust and Torque on the PR shows that the maximum PR in given ground condition occurred in the optimum limits of Thrust and Torque. Keyword: penetration rate, artificial neural networks, Tunnel Boring Machine 1...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the ISRM International Symposium - 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, November 24–26, 2008
Paper Number: ISRM-ARMS5-2008-168
... performance prediction are compressive strength and tensile strength of rock material, frequency and orientation of rock joints. Effective machine parameters are TBM diameter, cutter line spacing, cutter diameter and tip width, total thrust and torque. All of these parameters are interrelated to each other [3...

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