
Recent progresses have been advanced in many topics of interests to rock mechanics, geosciences, and multi-disciplinary interactions. These progresses are associated with deepening of shafts and lengthening of tunnels in many underground research laboratories (URLs) and facilities, designing and initiations of different heater and radioactive tracer experiments, enlarging existing or excavating of new experimental halls, and monitoring and measuring of disturbed/damaged zones and rock burst processes under stresses in underground tunnels. In this review and summary, we describe what an International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) URL Networking Commission has learned since its formation in 2011. Various workshops, meetings, presentations, and literature reviews contribute to our better understanding and exchanges associated with this URL and other ISRM Commissions. We realize that there are interests and progresses not only in the URL Networking but also in many excavation studies associated with underground power plants (both hydropower and nuclear types), in many field experiments for understanding coupled thermal-hydro-chemical-biological processes, and in increasing activities associated with field demonstrations and assessments of energy recovery and waste sequestration studies. The summary in this presentation will tailor to supplement many related presentations planned in the 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium.

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