
In Japan, it is necessary to excavate many hard rock tunnels using a heavy weight (200–300kW class) axial cutter head type roadheaders, which has reason for various conditions of saving the environment from the construction site and so on. And the performance of a heavy weight axial cutter head type road headers is a critical issue in assessing technical and economic feasibility of its application in many tunneling projects.

Therefore, we has established a database of heavy weight transverse and axial cutter head type roadheaders performance, which based on the interview for engineer's of many tunnel construction projects. This database contains field data from the tunnel construction sites all over Japan, includes a variety of heavy weight roadheaders of different geotechnical conditions and different cutter head type. And, this database refers to accurate estimation of the production rate, machine utilization, and picks consumption for different geological units to be encountered on the tunnel project planning.

This paper presents and discuss the performance model of instantaneous cutting rate (ICR) and pick consumption from this database, especially for excavated of hard rock tunnel by heavy weight (200–300kW class), axial cutter head type roadheaders.

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