
Fibre Reinforced Sprayed Concrete (FRSC) is a key technology in the tunneling industry.

To analyze the performances of fibre concretes, we must take into account the combination of fibre and concrete as a composite material, which means integrating the transfer of the concrete matrix to the fibres network.

Furthermore, the different ways to check the energy absorption and residual strength are often less well known, and lead to confusion.

The European standard EN 14487–1 mentions the different ways of specifying the ductility of fibre reinforced sprayed concrete in terms of residual strength and energy absorption capacity. It also mentions that both ways are not exactly comparable.

The main purpose of this presentation will be to offer an insight into the different main testing procedures used for fibre reinforced spray concrete projects to guide the actors on the market to choose the right testing method, the right performance for the right application

The paper will provide very last investigation realized in different lab to better understand the use of the three point bending test on square panel with notch currently endorsed by EFNARC committee and discuss with CEN.


Sprayed concrete technology has dramatically improved in terms of the use of advanced admixtures and application methods to give durable and high performance concrete.

With this improvement in sprayed concrete quality, tunnel linings were constructed using permanent l fibre reinforced sprayed concrete instead of conventional in-situ concrete within the temporary sprayed concrete linings, lowering costs and significantly reducing the construction time, particularly in sections of complex geometry such as step plate junctions.

Currently modern sprayed concrete technology equips the tunnelling industry with a more economic tunnel lining system in the form of a single shell of permanent sprayed concrete. This technology provides a structural lining that is durable, watertight and can be surface finished to a degree that is similar to cast concrete.

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