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Proceedings Papers
ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa
October 3–5, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
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Rock Engineering as a Creator of Value
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Lessons Learned From Large Failures: Multiple Causes Include Adverse Design, Geology, and Support
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Early Assessment of Dynamic Rupture and Rockburst Hazard Potential in Deep Tunnelling
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Support Method for Underground Engineering in Hard Rock With High Geostress: A Case Study of the Baihetan Hydropower Project, China
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Support Design for Tunnels With Deep Overburden in Weak Rock
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Parameters Required for the Design of Rock Support in High-Stress Rock Masses
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Stable Span Re-Design and Support Optimization for a Shallow Hard-Rock Bord-and-Pillar Mine on the Great Dyke: The Case of Unki Mine, Zimbabwe
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Improving Mining Efficiencies by Means of a New Support Design at Unisel Gold Mine, Welkom, South Africa
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Numerical Simulation of Fully Grouted Rockbolts by Considering Nonlinear Bond-Slip Behaviour
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Mining With Crush Pillars
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Use of Plastic Composites as Friction Rockbolt Materials
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Areal Shape on Pillar Strength
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Relating Seismic Source Mechanisms To Damage Phenomena in Platinum Mines of the Western Bushveld Complex
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Observational Studies in South African Mines To Mitigate Seismic Risks: Challenges and Achievements
R. J. Durrheim; H. Ogasawara; M. Nakatani; Y. Yabe; M. Naoi; H. Moriya; A. Cichowicz; T. Satoh; H. Kawakata; A. Milev; T. Kgarume; A. vZ. Brink; A. K. Ward; L. Ribeiro; M. S. D. Manzi; S. Mngadi; SATREPS Team
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Investigations of Rockburst Propensity of Artificial Samples Containing Different Aggregates
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Microseismic Events for Slope Stability Analysis - A Case Study at an Open Pit Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Excavation-Induced Seismicity: Mechanism and Implications
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Early Access Microseismic Monitoring Using Sensors Installed in Long Boreholes
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Drilling Into Seismogenic Zones of M2.0 – M5.5 Earthquakes From Deep South African Gold Mines (DSeis): Establishment of Research Sites
H. Ogasawara; R. J. Durrheim; Y. Yabe; T. Ito; G. van Aswegen; M. Grobbelaar; A. Funato; A. Ishida; H. Ogasawara; S. Mngadi; M. S. D. Manzi; M. Ziegler; A. K. Ward; G. Hofmann; P. Moyer; M. Boettcher; P. Dight; W. Ellsworth; B. Liebenberg; N. Wechsler; T. Onstott; N. Berset; DSeis Team
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Location and Source Mechanism of a Microseismic Event in a Mine Using a Single Seismogram
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Calibration of Modelled Seismicity in South African Mines Using a Potency-Based Method
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Slope Design Considerations for Shallow Open Pit Mines: A Case Study at Mamatwan Mine, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Identification Of Potential Rock Wedge Controlled Rockfalls Using Groundbased LiDAR Techniques: A Case Study In Eastern Taiwan
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Optimization of Slope Design in Saprolites at Kansanshi
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Techniques for Measuring Three-Dimensional Displacement Vector Using Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Otjikoto Gold Mine - A Case Study in Pit Slope Design
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Holistic Open Pit Mine Slope Stability Index Using Artificial Neural Networks
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
The Significance of Identifying Potential Failure Mechanisms From Conceptual To Design Level for Open Pit Rock Slopes
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Investigation of Failures Associated With a Major Shear Zone in the Main Pit Cut 3 West, at Letšeng Diamond Mine, Lesotho
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Technology Transfer for Minimizing Seismic Risk in South Africa’s Platinum Mines
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Microseismic Monitoring and Stability Analysis of the Deep Underground Caverns at Lianghekou Hydropower Station, Southwest China
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Keynote Session: Stress Measurements for Underground Powerhouses - Three Recent Cases
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
An Empirical and Numerical Approach To Quantifying Raisebore-Hole Stability
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Reassessing Continuous Stope Closure Data Using a Limit Equilibrium Displacement Discontinuity Model
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Rockburst Prevention via Destress Blasting of Competent Roof Rocks in Hard Coal Longwall Mining
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Study of Multi-Reef Pillar Extraction in the Ventersdorp Contact Reef
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Tool for the Evaluation of Departmental Effectiveness
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Estimation of Closure by the Timber Pack Assessment Method, and Comparison to Modelled Elastic Convergence
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Optimizing Stope Panel Spans at an Eastern Bushveld Platinum Mine by Probabilistic Analysis
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Evaluation of Crack Displacement in Underground Excavations Using Wireless Technology Crack Meters
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Time-Dependent Failure of Open Stopes at Target Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
The Determination of Crustal Stress Orientation Based on the Borehole Geometric Shape Using Panoramic Stereopair Imaging Technology
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
The Sub Surface Profiler: A Giant Leap for Ground Penetrating Radar
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Rock Failure Modes Under Uniaxial Compression and Indirect Tension
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Innovative Technologies for Monitoring Underground Excavations During Construction and Usage
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
An Acoustic Approach to the Estimation of Rock Mass State and Prediction of Induced Seismicity Parameters: Theory, Laboratory Experiments, and Case Study
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Experimental Studies of Variably Saturated Flow From a Horizontal Discontinuity to the Vertical With and Without an Intersection
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Design of an In Situ Testing Device for the Backfill of Mechanized Driven Tunnels in Hard Rock
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Analytical and Experimental Investigation of the Hard Rock Indentation Process
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Characterizing Microtremor Signals of a Slope With Deep-Seated Gravitational Deformation
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Progress of Brittle Microfracturing in Crystalline Rocks Under Cyclic Loading Conditions
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
InSAR Monitoring for Mines: An Integrated Approach
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Microseismicity-Based Feedback Analysis of the Stability of Deep Underground Caverns at the Houziyan Hydropower Station, China
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Cautious Blast Design and Practice in Close Proximity to a Railway Tunnel and Residential Buildings
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Failure Mechanism of Karst Cave Wall During Tunnelling
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Geotechnical Design Refinement in Parallel With Construction - Boschkop Abstraction Works, South Africa
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Multi-Objective Hybrid Prediction Model of Slope Deformation Based on Fuzzy Optimization Algorithm
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Benchmarking of Debris Flow Experimental Tests Using Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method, FEMDEM
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Numerical Model Calibration: Process or Luck?
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Modelling Salt Rock Dissolution in the Foundation of a Large Dam
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Calibration of a Numerical Model for Bore-and-Fill Mining
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Comparison of Observational, Empirical and 3D Discrete Numerical Methods To Estimate Subsidence Over Longwall Coal Faces
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Characterization and Numerical Modelling of Standard and Cabled-Strapped Pillars in a Haematite Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Mixed Ground
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Geotechnical Characterization and Revision of the Pillar Design for a Hard-Rock Bord and Pillar Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Remote Sensing Approach for the Derivation of Numerical Modelling Input Data: Insights From the Hope Slide, Canada
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Discrete Element Modelling of Rock-Cutting Experiments Under Confining Pressure
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Geomechanical Evaluation-Enabled Stimulation Optimization of a Tight Gas Reservoir in Egypt
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Experience Gained From In Situ Stress Measurements Conducted in Southern Africa During the Past Ten Years
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Advanced Information on Rock Mass Properties in Large Open Pits by Analysing Production Drill Rig Parameters in Real Time
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Unravelling the Structural Mysteries of the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ at Lonmin’S Saffy Shaft
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
The Influence of Geological Structures - An Often-Overlooked but Important Aspect Affecting the Stability of Operating Mines
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Development of a Rock Mass Quality Model for an Open Pit Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Experimental Study on Hydraulic Conductivity of a Rock Joint
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Geological and Hydrogeological Reference Conditions for Rock Engineering: An Example for Grouting Design at äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Active Ultrasonic Imaging and Interfacial Characterization of Stationary and Evolving Fractures in Rock
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Application of Rock Mass Classification and Blastability Index for Improving Wall Control at a Hard-Rock Mine in Botswana
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Assessment of the Potential To Extract Hard Rock Strike Pillars To Improve Overall Extraction Ratio
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Coal Pillar Stooping - Assessing the Stability of Snooks
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Review of Remnant Mining Practices in South African Gold Mines
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Geotechnical Input Into Shaft Sinking on the Platreef Project
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Fundamental Understanding of Underground Pillar Design Processes and Methods
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Performance Evaluation of the Paboase Crown Pillar at Chirano Gold Mines in Ghana
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Stope Performance Assessment at the Goldcorp Eleonore Mine Using Bivariate Analysis
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Design of a Stoping Sequence at Deeper Horizons for a Lead-Zinc Mine in a Sheared Rock Mass
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Coal Pillar Stooping - Partial Extraction of Coal Pillars Ensuring Panel Stability
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Keyblock Stability Analysis of Longhole Stopes
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
An Investigation on the Relationships Between the Petrographic, Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Sandstones From Newspaper Member of the Natal Group Using Self Organizing Maps
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Collection and Processing of Geotechnical Data as Part of a Stoping Panel Span Optimization Study at an Eastern Bushveld Complex Platinum Mine
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Petrographic and Geotechnical Investigation of the Sandstone Parting Between the Alfred Seam and the Gus Seam in the Magdalena Colliery, Dundee, South Africa
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
A Case Study: Remediation of Abandoned Mines for Residential Development
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Hydraulic Fracturing in Plastic Deformed Low-Permeability Reservoirs
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Simulating Fractured Reservoirs by a Coupled Two Phase Dual Porosity Model
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Stability of Large Underground Rock Caverns for Crude Oil Storage Operated Below Atmospheric Pressure
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
Borehole Stability and Sand Production in Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the ISRM AfriRock - Rock Mechanics for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2017.
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