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Keywords: element analysis
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, June 24–28, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-P-90-145
... ABSTRACT: A simple and efficient method: plastic node method is applied to elasto-plastic finite element analysis of tubular joints, eventually including the effect of internal and external gussets and stiffener rings, etc. if necessary. Four different joints are studied here in detail...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The First ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, June 24–28, 1990
Paper Number: ISOPE-P-90-157
... of the Intact strength and the extent of repairs to the extant Jacket for restoring It to the designed strength. The nonlinear analysis of the jacket has also been described by Ueda, Rashed and Nakacho (1985) by an idealised structural unit method. In this paper, the superfinite element analysis has been...

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