Once a mathematical model is developed for any type of problem, it is hard to cope with a certain modification of the original boundaries in the model. This also happens frequently in harbor design and other ocean related works which have very complex geometries. This paper discusses an approach to expansion of the boundaries in a numerical model without changing the created finite element mesh which fits for the given area. The introduced model is an hybrid element model and the accuracy and applicability of the model are demonstrated for harbor design. The model is dealing with monochromatic waves under linear wave theory. In this study the boundary value problem of water waves scattering under the effects of bottom friction and boundary absorption is introduced to the model.


Prediction of the responses of the bay or harbor to possible incident waves both with and without the intended design is essential for the evaluation of an existing harbor or a new harbor and its future development. Therefore, in order to more efficiently answer such questions, it is valuable to develop the best possible methods of engineering analysis. Accurate and efficient wave transformation models, either analytlcal, physical or numerical, are the tools needed for coastal engineering analyses. The objective of this study is to show a numerical model for prediction of waves propagating into a bay and/or harbor with water of varying depth. Moreover, the effects of the open channel are discussed without changing the introduced grid pattern. The foundation of any wave transformation model is the wave theory upon which it is based. One of the formulations for the prediction of wave evolution is the mild-slope formulation, applicable to general linear wave theory, first developed by Berkhoff (1972).

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