We experimentally and theoretically studied the energy conversion characteristics on a new type of wave power conversion system With water valves In 1988 the hydraulic model experiment was performed In regular waves using a nozzle as dummy load with some parameters of submerged depth of the water valve nozzle ratio height of incident wave and wave period It was proved front the experimental results that the efficiency of the water valve IS equal to or higher than that of such a mechanical valve as conventional flap valves that load change to the new system is less than It to conventional oscillating water column type wave power converter. In addition it was confirmed that the water valve was effective as a safety system. Further In 1989, as the final stage of the tank test series, the hydraulic model experiment with water valves and small sized turbine generator was performed. Through the test in 1989. It was confirmed that this new system is considered as practical enough most of these experiments adopt oscillating water column wave power device which are considered as the most promising type at present. However because of reciprocating air flow the system must be equipped with either a special turbine such as the Wells turbine that rotates in one direction despite the direction of airflow or a valve device that rectifies airflow into one direction. But the systems have some inconveniences of trouble on moving part reliability maintenance etc in order to eliminate these inconveniences the authors have invented a new wave-activated generating system with no moving parts in the rectifying valve device that is the new generating until using water valves. We herein introduce an outline of our study regarding the new system.

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