The construction of the piers between Novosilsky Cape and Nazimova Peninsula decreased the width of the Strait of Bosphor-Vostochny by about 200 m. In winter 2009–2011, the formation of ice in the Straits of Bosphor-Vostochny took place more intensively than in years with hard ice cover. In January and February in the strait the water area from fast ice occupied much wider area than in cold winters past years. The destruction of the ice in March was the same as during the cold winters. Despite of low temperature, the intensive north wind causes lead formation in the northern part of the strait and makes the 9/10 ice in the southern part. Construction of the piers on the Novosilsky Cape and Nazimova Peninsula causes an increase in the width of the fast ice. This point requires clarification in the future.


The width of the Strait of Bosphor Vostochny was reduced almost by one third because of the construction of the bridge to the Russky Island. Three-year study, the aim of which was to identify the possible consequences of the constriction of the Strait between Nazimova Peninsula and Novosilsky Cape showed that the change of the water exchange of the adjacent bays, as well as currents in the Strait was not too significant. The most severely narrowing of the Strait should have an impact on the ice, so the main aim of the research was to evaluate the changes of ice regime of the Straits of the Bosphor-East and adjacent bays: Ayaks, Paris.


The most severely narrowing of the Strait should have an impact on the ice, so the main aim of the research was to evaluate the changes of ice regime of the Bosphor-Vostochny Straits and adjacent bays: Ayaks, Paris.

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