The paper presents results of theoretical and experimental investigations into performance of technological complex platform "Prirazlomnaya" – moored tanker in broken/managed ice conditions. The theoretical approach is based on numerical simulation of interaction of various objects - icegoing ships, fixed and moored offshore structures - with broken ice using discrete element model (DEM). The presented model describes dynamic behaviour of a tanker moored to a fixed offshore structure of "Prirazlomnaya" type. On basis of analysis of hydrometeorological data in Pechora Sea scenarios of action of external forces (ice, wind, current) on the system platform-tanker are considered. Peculiarities of dynamic behaviour of the ship due to ice drift direction change under action of wind and current have been studied. The paper contains description of model tests on interaction of the technological complex with ice that were performed in the Ice Basin of KSRI, St.Petersburg. Both numerical and physical simulations of the system behaviour under external force action were performed taking into account real values of the mooring hawser stiffness.
Sea area of Western Arctic region including Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas is one of most promising areas for expected reserves of hydrocarbons, and its role in development of fuel and energy industry at home, in Europe and in the world is significant. In shallow water part of Pechora Sea there is one of the richest hydrocarbon fields - Prirazlomoye oil field (Fig. 1). Marine ice-resistant stationary platform "Prirazlomnaya" is designed and built for development of this field. It is supposed to be located in Pechora Sea at 55 km from the shore. The platform is a square caisson in plan view, the size along waterline is about 110×110 m, edges are sloping (Fig. 2). Sea depth in place of "Prirazlomnaya" location is 19.2 m.