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Proceedings Papers
The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium
October 3–5, 2012
Vladivostok, Russia
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An One-Dimensional Mathematical Model of Transient Oil-Water Two-Phase Emulsion Flows In Horizontal Pipes At High And Low Temperatures
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Modelling the Effect of Climate Change On the Ocean Wave Climate Around the World
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Numerical Study of Interaction of Focused Wave With JIP Spar Platform In Current
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Comparison of Standards For Predicting Ice Forces On Arctic Offshore Structures
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Ice And Thermal Variability In Bospor-Vostochny Strait In Last Years
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Feasibility Study On the Utilization of Sea Water Resources For Green Olympic Blue Ice Rink
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Continuous Pipe Penetration In Clay
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
A Numerical Investigation On the Hydrodynamic Performance of a New Dry Tree Semisubmersible Concept
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Global Strength And Buckling Assessment For IMO Type B Independent LNG Cargo Tank of LNG FPSO Using FE Analysis
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Numerical Simulation of Violent Evolution of Free Surface During Water Entry of Wedge
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Influence Simulation of Solid Ice On Pollution Distribution In Marine Environment
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
The Features of Towing Tests of Ship Models And Processing Results In a Small Testing Tank
Nikolay A. Taranukha; Sergey V. Koshkin; Evgeny I. Selivanov; Michael P. Shadrin; Sergey V. Egorushkin; Andrei K. Gretchenko
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Evaluation of Gas Hydrates Storage Efficiency For Arctic Territories
Viacheslav Vladimirovich Slesarenko; Ilia Viacheslavovich Slesarenko; Viktor Dorofeevich Lapshin; Oxana Olegovna Shcheka
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Sea Water Freezing
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Assignment of Tasks For Experimental Research of Large-Diameter Thin Shells With Infill
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
The Effect of Ultrasonic Oscillations of Pipe On Fluidity of Heavy Oil Products
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
The Models of Sea Waves Energy Converters
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Adaptive Algorithm of AUV Meander Pattern Trajectory Planning For Underwater Sampling
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Research of Single Mobile Acoustic Beacon Motion Algorithm For Accurate AUV Navigation
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Effects of Sloped Bottom And Unsteady Load Motion On Deflections of Floating Plate
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Modeling of Ice Conditions In the Gulf of Bothnia
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Estimation of Force Impact From Agglomeration of Various Ice Features In Front of Structures In Arctic Seas
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Construction Environment Characteristics And Structural Solutions of Wind Turbine Foundation For Offshore Wind Farm In China
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Numerical Simulation of Accidental Oil Spill In Min River Estuary
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Tides Induced Pore Pressure In the Seabed Embedding a Large-Diameter Pipeline
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Simulation of Heaving Body Under Free Surface By Vortex Methods
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Simulation of Ice Pressure Distribution And Structural Response of Ship Hull In Level Ice
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Variational Principles Related to Motions of a Floating Elastic Plate Considering Wave Radiation Condition
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Study On the Motion of Water In the Water Chambers For Wave Energy Converter
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Time Series Analysis of Flow And Sediment Discharge In Yellow River Estuary
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Recent Evolution Trend And Mechanism of Hechangzhou Braided Channel In Zhenyang Reach of Yangtze River
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Purification Experiments of Ocean Sludge By Activating Microorganisms And Using Coagulants
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Simulation of the Nonlinear Wave Elevation Around a TLP Platform
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle For Practical Use In Ocean Observations
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Experimental Research On Overtopping Flow Thickness And Secondary Wave Conditions Over Sloping Breakwater
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Mathematical Modelling of Floating Anchored Objects Behavior Under Ice Influence
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Estimation of Probability of Subsea Installation On the Basis of Wave Statistics
Mikhail Alekseevich Kuznetsov; Pavel Vladimirovich Belyaev; Konstantin Aleksandrovich Kornishin; Ilya Aleksandrovich Malyavin; Yaroslav Olegovich Efimov
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Design And Analysis of an Array of Floating Wind Turbine Structures
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Analysis of Heave Compensator Effects On Deepwater Lifting Operation
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
Design And Analysis of Box-type Floating Wind Turbine Structures With Large Motion Damping Plates
Paper presented at the The Tenth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Vladivostok, Russia, October 2012.
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