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Keywords: vertical effective stress
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 21–26, 2015
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-15-346
... p K (25) Boundary Condition of Seabed For a porous seabed, it is commonly accepted that the vertical effective stress and shear stress vanish. On the top of the seabed, the pore pressure is equal to the wave pressure. 0zz zx $ (26) f bp p (27) Where pf is the pore pressure on the top...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-366
... will discuss the effects of the bottom ash on the compressibility and consolidation characteristics. Compressibility Characteristics Fig. 4 shows comparisons of void ratio and vertical effective stress, sv relationships in both kaolinite and soil mixture samples. Under the same consolidation pressure during...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-341
... and sleeve friction increase with the increase of the cementation level. uncemented sand proceedings vertical effective stress gypsum content cementation upstream oil & gas cone tip resistance engineering relation cementation effect specimen reservoir characterization small strain...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 6–11, 2008
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-08-291
... x D uz uzD D f f BDa p e a p e G B G B p e p e ea a G B e G B e = =+ + + + = =+ + + + + + (12) The typical relationships of amplitude of pore water pressure and vertical effective stress with depth are shown for three different soil types in Fig. 7. In the figure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-162
... pyungtaek port thin-walled tube sampler resonant column test unconfined compression test compression test normalized deviator stress disturbance upstream oil & gas test result sampler vertical effective stress consolidation triaxial test triaxial compression test specimen applicability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twelfth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, May 26–31, 2002
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-02-141
... and convection in coarse-grained soils (Savvidou, 1988). sediment permeability production monitoring reservoir surveillance consolidometer vertical effective stress mexico thermal conductivity deposit upstream oil & gas moisture content variation production control compressibility void...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Eleventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17–22, 2001
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-01-196
... distributions at the sediment/water interface and the theory of elasticity. Changes in vertical effective stresses are inferred as the difference between the estimated total stress and the measured pore water pressure changes in accordance with Terzaghi's effective stress equation. A VisualBasic 6.0 program has...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, May 25–30, 1997
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-97-128
... viscoplastie strain is zero, as follows: -c=o (2) where ¢~ is the viscoplastic strain, and t is time variable. The plastic strain f in Eq. (2) is given as follows: /=2 ]nl cr~ 1 l+e o \ or (3) where o" 5 and cr=o are the vertical effective stress and its initial value; 2, and K" are the compression...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 11–16, 1995
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-95-083
... that the development of inner skin friction due to the presence of a sand plug Is caused by an arching mechanism, analogous to observations on granular materials in silos (Janssen, 1895). This behaviour is associated with an exponential increase in vertical effective stress with depth in the plug. This exponential...

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