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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–23, 2023
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-23-218
... strain limit fracture strain limit displacement hydraulic fracturing fea model stress triaxiality canada government internal pressure axial load pipe dic strain distribution seismic pipeline resistance strain measurement strain capacity wrinkle numerical simulation full-scale...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-565
... strain limit using the tensile stress vs. strain curves under the internal pressure. compressive ys plastic anisotropy ss curve strain limit anisotropy mechanical property fea model simulation uoe pipe tensile ss curve girth weld pipe compressive strain limit fabrication factor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17–22, 2012
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-12-572
... Potential Strain Limit for Girth-welded UOE Line Pipes Commercially Manufactured for Strain-based Design Eiji Tsuru1, Yasuhiro Shinohara1, Takuya Hara2, Yutaka Hattori3 1Steel Research Laboratory, Nippon Steel Corporation Futtsu, Chiba, Japan 2Kimitsu R&D Lab., Nippon Steel Corporation 1 Kimitsu...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-008
... limit of buried UOE linepipe with plastic anisotropy and geometric imperfection in mind. KEYWORDS: line pipe; UOE pipe; buckling; strain limit; thermal aging; work hardening; anisotropy; bending; NOMENCLATURE b: maximum change in radius, mm C: plastic constant C-: circumferential D: pipe diameter, mm...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-601
.... For such cases, strain-based design has been applied. Therefore, high deformable line pipe is required to prevent pipelines from fracturing (Glover, 2002; Denys, 1994; Denys, 2004; Glover, 2004; Hillenbrand, 2002; Liessem, 2004; Al-Sharif, 1996). There are two critical strain limits for strain-based designs. One...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-606
... the compressive strain limit and tensile strain limit. The compressive strain limit focused on the critical strain at the formation of local buckling on the compression side of bending. One large developed wrinkle and some small wrinkles on the pipe surface during bending deformation were captured relatively well...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 20–25, 2010
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-10-218
... in recent years. They are the meaning of the strain-based design, the strain limits of the compressive and tensile strains, the factors influencing strain limits and the empirical formulas to calculate them. Meanwhile, some aspects affecting strain-based design have been presented, such as the strain aging...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 20–25, 2010
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-10-175
... variation in the girth-welded pipe. This paper describes the compressive strain limit, Limit for girth-welded line pipes, assembled in the material specification range, using newly developed FE-modeling. In addition, global strains are proposed as the axial tensile strain generated at the peak moment...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 20–25, 2010
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-10-598
... is required to prevent pipelines from fracturing (Glover, 2002; Denys, 1994; Denys, 2004; Glover, 2004; Hillenbrand, 2002; Liessem, 2004; Al-Sharif, 1996). There are two critical strain limits for strain-based designs. One is the tensile strain limit; the other is that of compressive strain limit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-439
...Compressive and Tensile Strain Limit and Integrity of X80 High Strain Pipelines Satoshi Igi, Teruki Sadasue Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation Chiba, Chiba, Japan Nobuhisa Suzuki JFE R&D Corporation Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan ABSTRACT The compressive and tensile strain limits of a X80...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-444
... Corporation Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan ABSTRACT A strain-based design (SBD) was discussed for pipelines constructed in discontinuous permafrost areas. For SBD, we need to consider the tensile strain limit and the compressive strain limit. The compressive strain limit is affected by many factors...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-512
... In recent years, a number of projects have been funded in China to quantitatively evaluate the tensile and compressive strain limits of pipes and apply these limits to buried pipelines subjected to landslides. This paper covers the technical basis of strain-based design for pipelines subjected...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-494
... plastic deformations, eventually reaching the post-necking regime, due to both installation procedures or accidental external overloads. If this is the case one of the main problem is the prediction of the ductile fracture limit, that is the strain limit to failure in ductile regime. Conventional...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 6–11, 2008
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-08-392
... by the compressive strain limit calculated from the angle of inclination at the peak moment. On the other hand, the tensile strain limit of the girth weld is evaluated using the remote strain on the strain demand in the pipeline design. In order to determine these strain limits, the full size pipe bending test...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 6–11, 2008
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-08-404
... ABSTRACT Construction of gas transmission pipelines is expanding to severe environmental area such as seismic or permafrost region. This paper presents the preliminary studies performed with curved wide plate test focused on the tensile strain limit of X80 girth welded linepipe which...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-495
... agreed that some of the dominant factors controlling the girth weld tensile strain capacity are material's strain hardening capacity, toughness (including transition temperature and tearing resistance), wang offshore pipeline linepipe anisotropy misalignment strain limit specimen fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-497
... was observed for both X70 and X100 girth welds. When measured by safety factors on the predicted strain limits (safety factor ≡ measured strain limit / predicted strain limit), the coefficient of variation was in the range of 0.20-0.25. Certain limitations in using small-scale specimen test results to predict...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-505
... This paper presents the results of a preliminary study to establish an assessment method for the tensile strain limit against brittle fracture of pressurized gas pipelines subjected to axial tensile deformation. The basis of the assessment method is the Japan Welding Engineering Society standard...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-506
... be taken into FEA in order to predict the strain limits precisely. The critical compressive strain and the critical bending strain increase, whereas the tensile strain decreases with an increase in the design factor. Regression formulas are proposed to predict the strain limits. INTRODUCTION Large-scale...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-526
..., strain limits, mechanical performance, etc., are mentioned. The feasibility and prospect of strain-based design of pipelines in China is discussed with reference to the geologic conditions and the state of the Chinese pipeline industry. INTRODUCTION Conventional pipeline design methods, which always...

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