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Keywords: russian federation
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10–15, 2018
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-18-409
... russian federation invention ice beam characteristic The Research of the Stressed Strain State of Ice Beams Reinforced by Surface Reinforcement Victor Mikhailovich Kozin2, Vitaliy Leonidovich Zemlyak 1, Alexey Sergeevich Vasilyev1, Konstantin Igorevich Ipatov 1 1Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 26–July 2, 2016
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-16-662
... Abstract This article studies the problems of ensuring the ecological safety during the development of oil and gas deposits of Russia's Arctic shelf in modern conditions. The determination of precise land geographical boundaries of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) (About, 2014...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 21–26, 2015
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-15-112
... the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas to Europe and to Asian-Pacific Region. The authors study peculiarities of port and coastal infrastructure of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). The article presents data and characteristics which describe existing ports and ports under construction as integral...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-073
... Abstract Hydrocarbon resources development on the Arctic shelf including Russian Arctic shelf is a strategic task for oil and gas companies as it also ensures the energy safety of the Russian Federation. Important zone of hydrocarbon extraction will be formed on the shelf of the Russian Arctic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 30–July 5, 2013
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-13-085
... modern transportation northern sea route nuclear icebreaker russia icebreaker terminal transportation navigation strait displacement reduction draught russian federation prirazlomnaya upstream oil & gas sea ice-resistant drilling platform Problems and Perspectives of Modern...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17–22, 2012
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-12-171
... development in offshore Russian Regions is insufficient to promote environment safety in the Arctic. The authors present the measures of legal base development which will provide environment safety of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation in future. Existing state system of the ecological monitoring...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17–22, 2012
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-12-172
... Development of the Arctic Fleet in the Russian Federation V. I. Pavlenko, E. K. Glukhareva and S.Yu.Kutsenko Arctic Research Center, Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia ABSTRACT Russian Arctic fleet plays a key role in the development of the Arctic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-586
... ABSTRACT: The transport system of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation consists from the different types of transport and transport network. It includes railway, pipeline, road and airline systems which pass through the polar circle to the North. There are over 100 ports and transshipping...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 21–26, 2009
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-09-137
... emergency situations resulted from the hydrometeorological phenomenon on the territory of Russian Federation. And according to experts from different branches of economy the direct mid-annual economical damage to these branches makes around 58 billion rubles (Frolov and Danilov, 2007). The departmental...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 6–11, 2008
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-08-005
... situation developed at the sea coasts of the Russian Federation caused by activation of abrasion, landslips, run-ups, floods, and other dangerous natural or natural- manmade processes which were destroying objects intended for building, sanatoriums, transports or other objects of economy, and which...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, July 1–6, 2007
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-07-191
... In this paper the authors are looking at the environmental consequences of oil and gas production activities in the Russian Federation's Arctic regions. The main reasons for the increasing ecological impact of these activities are presented. The data on the pollution extent are reported...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, May 25–30, 1997
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-97-088
... of Baydaratskaya Bay environmental studies. Laws, rules and regulations applicable to Environmental Impact Assessment in the Russian Federation are considered. The sources and types of possible impact during construction and operation stages are shown. KEY WORDS: Environment, impact, assessment, pipeline...

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