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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 16–21, 2024
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-24-150
..., and Ma 2023), the paper studies and compares different shapes of a floater for a 15 MW wind turbine. Key findings of the paper are that bracing is important to correctly withstand the wind turbine loads. An uneven hexahedral column shape is suggested as a superior alternative to cylindrical columns...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 5–10, 2022
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-22-319
... ABSTRACT The wave slamming on a slender structure such as brace of semi-submersible platform has great influence on the safety of the structure during the towing condition. Compared with the potential flow theory, the unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is more accurate to solve...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 16–21, 2019
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-19-209
... intelligence deviation recommendation scf value reference point brace notch weld geometry ABSTRACT To m production based on automated manufactured tubular joints combined with standardized pipes has to be achieved. dresses the welding process of automated manufactured tubular joints joints crack...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 16–21, 2019
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-19-503
... diagonal braces and the central column of a five-pile substructure is selected and simulated using FE method. Moreover, the corresponding reinforced FE models with three stiffened rings are established and calculated. The SCF distributions along weld seam, extreme SCF values, and sensitivity analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10–15, 2018
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-18-586
... was satisfied. Brace design for the entire panel was performed considering structural safety of each member such as slenderness ratio, hydrostatic collapse, column buckling. Since the jacket structure designed by the rule scantling method has to ensure stability from the external forces such as wind, wave...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10–15, 2018
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-18-699
.... outer diameter calculation brace pipe upstream oil & gas reduction assumption chord weight reduction drilling equipment geometry jack-up rig hollow section diameter initial structure construction stress utilization utilization framework model fleischer wall thickness Shaped...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10–15, 2018
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-18-084
... the effects of waves. bulkhead design wave method design wave parameter subsea system fatigue life strength characteristic response brace fatigue assessment method vlf drilling equipment fatigue lives assessment method single module upstream oil & gas smod pontoon sea state von...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 10–15, 2018
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-18-331
.... But in current fatigue assessment method, the effect of torque loading applied on brace component is neglected. Considering the multi-pile foundation structure which is used widely in China, a three-planar tubular Y-joint as the connection between diagonal braces and central column of a typical tripod OWT...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 25–30, 2017
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-17-181
... two decades, clamping technology has been used for numerous projects in the world. A traditional stressed grouted clamp was adopted to repair cracks on X brace node of a fixed jacket platform with water depth up to 100m in South China Sea. The engineering application shows that using stressed grouted...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 26–July 2, 2016
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-16-511
.... Table.4 the Max Deformation of Stinger with a Damaged Beam Location Brace of lateral side of hitch sections Beam 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 MDFE 0.0942 0.0961 0.1002 0.0965 0.0998 0.1049 0.1075 Beam 119 123 122 121 150 140 141 MDFE 0.0964 0.0968 0.0963 0.1021 0.0997 0.0965 0.0996 Location Brace...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 26–July 2, 2016
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-16-516
... deformation semi-submersible platform boundary condition ultimate strength brace mesh size upper hull upstream oil & gas platform load mode deformation mode analysis method floating production system drilling equipment finite element method semi-submersible drilling platform...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 26–July 2, 2016
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-16-660
... angle (or wave heading, θ ). Stochastic nature of the environment has an effect on loads experienced by the stinger and hence on fatigue damage accumulation in stinger welded joints. stress range nominal strain range stinger sncf value chord brace chord brace chord sncf ac sncf shape...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 26–July 2, 2016
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-16-038
..., and axf , ipbf and opbf are the corresponding nominal stresses in brace. But, the location of the peak hot spot stress at the joint is not considered in Eq.(1). Gulati et (1982) proposed an equation for determining the hot spot stress distribution of a joint as follow: ax ax ipb ipb opb opb = K f K f K fV...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 21–26, 2015
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-15-038
... dynamics are investigated. The local response of the braces is compared with the global response at the jacket legs in terms of power spectral densities. Damage equivalent loads are calculated at several positions along the jacket to capture the impact of local and global dynamics on those loads...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-553
.... The results presented here form part of extensive numerical investigations (Herion et al, 2013). recommendation stress concentration factor zhao hollow section scf numerical investigation iso 14347 structural stress formulae brace cidect investigation different configuration chord...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-167
... are investigated. fatigue analysis finite element wind turbine tank design case offshore projects planning and execution horizontal brace increment brace substructure control system natural period renewable energy transition piece subsea system mass increase assessment platform design wind...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, June 15–20, 2014
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-14-525
... strength of structures taking account of the nonlinear behavior of members, joints and piling foundation. strength pipeline corrosion riser corrosion offshore structure requalification brace failure mode materials and corrosion ultimate strength assessment mechanism nezamian imperfection...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 30–July 5, 2013
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-13-012
... load case categories, where local jacket dynamics is examined. Impact of marine growth on fatigue loads of the lowest braces is presented. Finally, recommendation on relative comparison of local vibration influence on the fatigue loads is given. substructure offshore wind turbine local...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 30–July 5, 2013
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-13-541
... of the CIDECT Design Guide 8 and on a publication of Herion and Mang (1996). van wingerde structural stress brace investigation wingerde determination thickness cidect design guide 8 herion stress concentration factor mang hollow section zhao chord weld recommendation formulae cidect...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the The Twenty-first International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 19–24, 2011
Paper Number: ISOPE-I-11-506
... Heavy Industries, Ltd. Akashi, Japan ABSTRACT Long bridge wings hanging over the deckhouses of VLCCs will be reinforced by some braces connected to the upper decks and others in order to avoid harmful vibration excited by the main engine and/or the propellers. In this study, structural optimization...

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