An optimization methodology and algorithms for cable/lumpedbody deployment systems are developed for the design and installation of sonar packages. Alternating Direction (ADM) and Modified Alternating Direction (MADM) methods are employed for the optimum search. The optimization algorithms are implemented on a desk-top computer. Examples demonstrating the optimal paths are delineated.

1.1 Background

As part of an effort to improve the installation procedure of sonar packages on the sea floor of a deep ocean range, the development of computer simulation techniques for optimization of cable/lumped-body installation is needed. Given an optimum acoustic design of a deep ocean range, it is necessary to evaluate the design of the installation procedure to ensure the most expedtious installation of the system for optimal performance. A typical scenario for installation of a deep ocean range is a sequential pay-out from a surface vessel of several single cables with discrete nodes spaced at appropriate lengths along the cable such that the nodes are positioned along an irregular path on an irregular sea floor. Minimization of the installation cost and/or time is a prime consideration while satisfying specified tolerances in the location of the installed nodes and structural integrity of the system. The optimum sequences of vessel headings and speeds and of pay-out velocities are sought within the constraints dictated by the site conditions, cable and equipment characteristics and the acoustic design. The terminology and algorithms to build a suite of computer programs to design and install cable/lumped-body system already exist. However, existing programs are intended for analysis of well-posed problems with accurate descriptions of loading conditions and system characteristics, rather than for interactive design of systems to achieve optimum performance.

1.2 Previous Studies

Research was conducted at Oregon State University to develop a dynamic response simulation method for cable/lumped-body systems.

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